Can't touch me!!! lol
Their jurisdiction is only in their own corner of the world. Sure for propaganda purposes they may seek out a few grannies or little children to make an example of them to the public. It's all like the noises that come out of their a§§holitis problem. There's many million users of gnutella, & millions of users of other p2p networks. Probably some of "them" themselves use p2p in secret. So anybody who panics unfortunately suffers from paranoia.
I believe a class action to sue the RIAA & MPAA should be organised for the damage they've caused thousands if not millions of people around the world by sponsoring
Terrorism! Yes they sponsor the spread of viruses. Overpeers are just one example of the many groups that are sponsored;
Every person & business who has been affected by these viruses should sue those responsible for sueing LimeWire for any damage, costs, time loss, emotional damage, psychological damage, etc. caused to all these people targeted by the overpeer type of groups.
So in summary, terrorists are now successfully causing worldwide damage running under a well funded terrorist group called the RIAA & the MPAA. If ripping off artists wasn't enough for them for the 1st 80+ years of the business's existence, now they want to rip off the public & drive them into the ground with whatever damage they can. Sounds like a wild bull gone out of control. But it seems the legal courts in the USA are giving them a free run. Hey I think they are really criminals considering their sneaky behaviour & terrorist tactics. Certainly in my country there are privacy laws. Also hacker laws, yet the RIAA & MPAA have been detected sneaking into peoples computers. Make you paranoid huh!? Just get some good security to block them.
I wasn't going to post to this thread ... but there you are.