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BLS_SDMF_ZakkWylde August 14th, 2006 07:29 PM

Bad Connection (Some one plz help)
i have only one bar of connection on my lime wire the lime wire FAQ says to wait i did it does nothing plz help how do i get a better ConnectioN??

birdy August 14th, 2006 07:42 PM

Make sure that you're only using 1 software firewall & that it's configured properly
Firewall setup
Do you see the firewall icon (brick wall)?

Read through this thread, it has lots of info about connection problems
Connection problems? Check here first!
Check out the info about modem/router firewalls... you could try enabling UPnP if your router supports it & choosing that option within LW's tools > options > advanced > firewall config. Port forwarding is another option (often more reliable than enabling UPnP)...there's info about that too.

If you're still stuck, post back with your details

OS(Win XP etc)
LW & Java version (help > about LW & you'll see)
Firewall you're using
Modem/router brand & model
Connection type (DSL etc)
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Is this your first try with LW

BLS_SDMF_ZakkWylde August 14th, 2006 07:53 PM

none of that works ive tried it all

birdy August 14th, 2006 08:02 PM

Maybe if you tried posting your details, someone could help you a bit more?

BLS_SDMF_ZakkWylde August 15th, 2006 10:27 AM

Oh ya
umm... well i guess i typ ein to search and i click search but it says bad connection may not find any results and it finds nothing. i would really like to know how to fix this problam plz thank you much

Sleepless August 15th, 2006 10:53 AM

We are not psychic on the forum so your specs. Pretty please with sugar on top :)

You can just press Quote and fill in the answers. It's really really easy ;)

1. What's your connection like - do you have any green bars at all?
Is there a brick wall in front of world ?

2. Do this test & see if it works. What does it say ?

3. What are your details

OS ? (Win XP, Mac OSX etc.)
How much free harddiskspace ?
How much RAM ?
LW & Java version ? (In Limewire press Help>about LW & you'll see)
What Firewall you're using ?
Modem/router brand & model ?
Are you using portforwarding, UPnP or nothing ? (Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall Config)
What is your listening port ? (Same as above)
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ?
Connection type ? (Dial-Up, ADSL, DSL etc) + Speed Up/Down if you know
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Has Limewire ever worked for you ? If so how long have you been using it ?

Have you tried using any other P2P apps & if so, do you have the same problems ?

Also include any attempts to fix this. It helps people rule things out

BLS_SDMF_ZakkWylde August 15th, 2006 11:15 AM

i didnt get what you guys meant i guess
I have one green bar and yes there is a wall in front of the world

the test says test passed or somthing like that

I have Win XP

130GB of free hard disk space left

im not sure about the RAM

LW= 4.12.3 the java version is 1.5.0_05

im not shure i beleive its Norton though

not shure what model my modem is but lw worked fine before with this same modem and same firewall

im using nothing

my listening port is 39583

its a local intenet provider Indian head Telephone

Dial Up fo connection type

i connect from Home

no i am not sharing a connection with other comps.

yes lime wire has worked for me before and when it did i was using it for oh i would say 3 months

i have tried Kazaa and it worked but makes my comp. way to slow

i havnt really attempted to fix this except turning off the fire wall

Sleepless August 15th, 2006 02:25 PM

I'm thinking firewall is the problem. BTW Turning the firewall off is not a good idea.

Do you get any connection attemts in Limewire ? Press connections tab to see (if you don't have that then go to view>Show/Hide>Connections)

First of all... Are you sure that you have only The Norton Firewall enabled ? (XP Firewall or any other disabled.) It's really important to only have one firewall

Second... Have you made new exeptions for Limewire in your Firewall exceptions ? If not then delete the old exceptions and make new ones.

You could try forwarding ports in your firewall
In Limewire go to Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall config and choose to forward a port (recommended one between 49152 and 65535) and then set the exact same port as your listening port. Press apply then OK.
Then make exceptions for that port in The Norton Firewall (Both TCP and UDP)

Hope this helps

If it doesn't then

You could also check with your ISP if they have some kind of firewall there that you go through

BLS_SDMF_ZakkWylde August 16th, 2006 12:18 PM

tyhank you very much i apreciate the help dude:D :D

BLS_SDMF_ZakkWylde August 17th, 2006 01:23 PM

it stoped working
44932 thats whats in my listening port now what do you recommend i do?

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