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duhmel September 7th, 2006 03:11 PM

Are these viruses?
I've tried to locate some backup copy software programs and they all seem to be less than 1MB (.zip and .exe). I know the actual software is much larger. Does this mean that the download is a virus or am I missing something?

Lord of the Rings September 7th, 2006 03:44 PM

Yep ... no decent program is less than 1 MB nowadays. So don't trust such files! Sorry but can't give anymore advice than that on a public forum due to forum rules. But I will say that spammers out there sponsored by the likes of riaa, mpaa, etc. are the ones responsible. Class action against their terrorist acts & breach of usa laws is warranted! So perhaps you need to vary your search in such a way that not so many spammed viruses show up. Also btw, time of day makes a big difference! ;) :) They apparently sleep after all!!! :D

duhmel September 9th, 2006 09:00 AM

Yes they are viruses
I downloaded a few and they checked out as viruses. Wonder why there are so many being posted for many software titles.

Lord of the Rings September 9th, 2006 09:08 AM

There's groups sponsored by software companies to stop illegal swapping of software. They do it by spamming viruses. Here's an example of such groups (a) Overpeers, (b) MediaSentry, (c) Mediadefender
I would classify them as terrorists. Most countries including in the USA have laws against the deliberate spreading of viruses.
So really the likes of RIAA, MPIA, softw cartels, etc. are a bunch of hypocrites! :rolleyes: :eek:

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