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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2006
Join Date: October 5th, 2006
Location: Markham, Ontario
Posts: 2
croc_52 is flying high
Angry Viruses

Hi. Being new to the whole P2P thing I must say I'm shocked at how many losers out there are planting viruses on the network. Is there no quality control to help police this activity? My PC is bullet-proof but I'm sure there are many out there who fall victim to these a$$-holes.

I guess as long as there are guys with tiny willies and no girlfriends trying to compensate for their $exual frustrations we will have to remain vigilant. I suppose they think "Hey, I'll never get laid so I may as well try to cause damage to unsuspecting people's PCs. Wow, that will make me feel like a man."

I guess you take your chances when you engage in P2P file sharing so probably nothing can be done.

Other than that, life is great.

(p.s. - before anyone tries to correct me.... the plural for virus is viruses, not "virii". "Virii" is not a word. I used to think it was, it's not.)

Last edited by croc_52; October 5th, 2006 at 12:28 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

You're right about computer virus spelling. lol I replied to a similar post here Software searces return only virus files (clickity on virus link lol)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2006
Join Date: October 5th, 2006
Location: Markham, Ontario
Posts: 2
croc_52 is flying high

Interesting reading, LOTR. I had no idea. Thank you. These companies seem legitimate and offer valid services. My only question is this: Is it not illegal to knowingly proliferate computer viruses? I know that there are people currently serving time in prison for doing so.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2006
Join Date: October 5th, 2006
Posts: 2
reaper1986 is flying high

As far as viruses go people really should look at the file size. When downloading a program or a game of any type the file size should always be within the Megabytes area and not the Kilobytes. Also it would be a good idea for anyone to actually get a program called Ewido Anti-Malware.

Its with no payments and absolutely free. As far as the upgrade goes (which has an actual payment on it) all you get is resident shield that protects you when surfing the net from force dowloads off of websites (spyware in other words) and an automatic update, but hey I don't need that and I have to say that if I don't need it then you guy's won't either.

Also, its a good idea to download any program or game as a zip file so that you can scan it with Ewido. All you do is right click an icon and an option should come up that says "Scan with Ewido Anti-Malware."

I hope that helps a lot of people out and would appreciate it if someone would do this and give me some positive feedback.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2006
Join Date: October 5th, 2006
Posts: 2
reaper1986 is flying high

Well it is illegal no doubt about it, but the problem about finding these guy's is the real issue here. When a person uploads a virus to a computer they typically do it in a safe fashion where no one knows where they are.

That's apparently why hackers exist to this day. Very few hackers are caught because few ever leave a trail. Over one million American computers a day are infected with force downloads, trojans, viruses and other illegal software used to erase, freeze or otherwise delete important files. Now this is in America alone. Because its illegal I think we would have much more hackers in prison than there are criminals, like molesters, rapists, murderers and psychopaths.

So like I said before, finding these guys is the real problem, because if they could be found, the prisons would be full of these nerds and geeks rather than these hardcore gang criminals and murderers
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