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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
Join Date: November 28th, 2006
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Red face Hi! Im new, and looking for help already!!

Hi everyone,
Ive just downloaded limewire, and cant wait to get started with it, however, i have a few daft questions to ask first....

I want to be able to put stuff on cd, and dvd, but have no idea whatsoever if i already have the software to be able to do that as ive never tried it. I know i dont have nero, but i dont know what i should be looking for, or where to look - i dont really want to start downloading stuff if ive already got software. Is that what quicktime is for?? Do i need 2 seperate things one for cd and dvd?
Anyway, as you can see im not to computer litterate, so sorry for my dumb questions!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
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To burn dvd's you need a dvd burner. You also need dvd burner software. Do you have this?

dvd burners can usually burn cd's, but cd burners can not burn dvd's.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2006
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chicken82 is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

ive got the dvd burner, but dont know about software. does software usually come with a pc as standard? how do i find out if i have? and if i havent, can you recomend good software for me to get?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2006
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I personally like itunes for my cds, it is very user friendly...
For movies I like but you might want to check to see if you have Nero at all, it's another popular choice...

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
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Thanks for the link to father christmas Wondering Why,ide lost mine.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
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Excellent, I really like Santa as well...

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
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Originally Posted by chicken82
ive got the dvd burner, but dont know about software. does software usually come with a pc as standard? how do i find out if i have? and if i havent, can you recomend good software for me to get?
I would say you have all the \standard software needed to burn both cd/dvd, as most modern computers even the ******** ones have burners that burns both media.
Its relatively easy, when you know how to burn, but it would take me an eternity to try and explain to you here, and even then you might not get it.
My advice is to get a friend who is computer literate to show you step by step, once you know how, its very easy.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
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rubber ring,
chicken82 has the hardware but then you need to install the software...
You can correct me if I'm wrong by explaining to me how to burn a cd or a movie without the correct software installed...

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
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Default Standard PC Software

Junior Member Chicken82

There is really no such thing as "standard PC software", some PC makers and suppliers may add some software to your machine, as a sales tool, but on the whole you have to aquire (buy or otherwise) the software you need to meet your requirements.

For example, when I first bought my PC is had Win XP (Home) - the operating system, Norton's Anti-Virus and Personal Firewall - 90 day trial version and a start up disk. However, it had a 60GB HD, 512MB Ram, 2.5GB Intel CPU, DVD Reader and CD Burner.

I had to install my own Word Processor, Nero CD Burner, Diary, Internet Facilities, Fax software (although MS Fax is part of Win XP) and a whole host of other stuff that I need to insure the smooth running my home and PC.

So, your new PC may or may not have burner software installed, it really depends on who you bought the machine from, i.e. you should phone and ask.

Hope this helps.

UK Bob (aka Shark Chum)

PS. Do not surf the net or use LW without installing an anti-virus app on your PC, also you should have a firewall as well.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
Join Date: November 30th, 2006
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rubber ring is flying high

Originally Posted by wondering why
rubber ring,
chicken82 has the hardware but then you need to install the software...
You can correct me if I'm wrong by explaining to me how to burn a cd or a movie without the correct software installed...
OK the OP, said she/he is not very comp/literate, so would it not be better for her/him to get a friend who knows, to show OP how to install the software if it isnt already built into the PC/Notebook, as all the OP wants is to learn simply how to download and burn to disc, I dont think OP is looking for anything TOO TECHNICAL.
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