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nivraj December 15th, 2001 12:45 PM

Annoying Flashing Advert
Dear Limewire,

Merry Christmas... however PLEEEEEZ get rid of that annoying and disruptive flashing "WINNER" banner ad. I have no problem with banner ads, but that one is quite simply, disgusting.

Perhaps you're waiting for the first epileptic (sp?) to get thrown into a seizure ?

Give us all a break and use a little taste please. We're not sheep to be herded, we are consumers. A little respect shouldn't be out of the question, especially at this time of year.


Unregistered December 30th, 2001 04:14 PM

Well... You have (at least) two options. Get the source from, build and run that. Or, kiss $6 goodbye and have do essentially the same for you. I preferred the former, since I had doubts about how much good that $6 would do for the entire opensource-limewire-crowd out there (not just those on limewire payroll).

BTW. Great work, guys and gals. I got the source, installed Ant, and expected a bunch of trouble to get the thing going. But no, everything built like a dream. Nice! Then I spent about 2 minutes browsing the source for the place to disable those adds... Heh. Couldn't find it immediately, so I fired up the client and voila, it was already gone.

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