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Unregistered December 23rd, 2001 01:26 PM

What is the pro license worth?
When I buy Limewire pro for the fair price of $6, will I get all 2.x versions or just the 2.0 version?

VTOLfreak December 24th, 2001 04:07 AM

Not worth it ...
You get just the current one .
Not worth 6 bucks when there are also fully-functional free versions .
And you have to pay again when you want future versions .

Besides If you know how to fiddle around with LW and CyDoor you can remove the ads yourself from the free version .

efield December 24th, 2001 06:49 PM

Well updates are free for the first six months.


Unregistered December 25th, 2001 01:00 AM

Yeah, you'll receive all updates during the next 6 months.
1 buck per month, this shouldn't be too much....

crohrs December 26th, 2001 10:57 AM

efield is right; your $6 entitles you to unlimited upgrades for six months. Plus it helps LimeWire fuel development of the Gnutella network. That pays for my salary.

disgruntled December 26th, 2001 05:18 PM

Pro License not delivered
So I ponied up the $6 - I have gotten a lot of use from the beta versions I have been using. But I never got the promised email with instructions for downloading my "Pro Version". So I paid the $6 and am stuck (for now) with the free version. Anybody??? Bueller?



crohrs December 26th, 2001 05:38 PM

The email really can take a while to go through. If you don't get it in an hour or two, send email to customer at and we'll take care of it manually.

gbildson December 26th, 2001 09:50 PM

eChecks slow things down
One thing that slows these transactions are eChecks. If you registered your PayPal account with only a checking account originally, it tries to clear the payment like a check - and like a check, the verification takes a day or so. We will have to work on getting around this special case going forward


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