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Martel April 12th, 2007 06:39 PM

somebody gets pranked what is that about
I see something like speilburg or letterman gets pranked are those viruses?

Grandpa April 12th, 2007 09:55 PM

I don't know what file size are they. Do a Bitzi look up on them

mickjapa108 April 13th, 2007 02:48 AM

Martel Hi.
Add the word "pranked" to your word filter, careful what words you add, make
sure they wont be in searches you may want.

Martel April 13th, 2007 05:56 AM

One example is "Steven Speilberg gets a hilarious prank phone call"
file size 3325kb
file type = wma

Another is "David_Letterman_get_Pranked "
file size 1193 kb
file type = wma

another is "Bill_Gates_get_pranked"
file size 1416 kb
file type= wma

These are surfacing but I'm using none of those words to search.

Bitzi search gave me server too busy will try later.

Thanks Grampa

I added the word prank to my filter.
Thanks mickjapa108

trevor57 April 15th, 2007 11:23 AM

i wouldn't download them.

Martel April 15th, 2007 02:57 PM

I won't but there was one that somehow was downloaded and reached 100%.

I immediately deleted it and ran cc cleaner.

Logan1882 April 22nd, 2007 05:37 PM

I, too am getting these stupid results and I want to know why these fools are allowed to post when there are people looking for legitimate music. I don't care if Bill Gates gets pranked. These people who post these phony files should be banned from the use of LimeWire.

Martel April 22nd, 2007 06:22 PM

Yea I added prank to my filter but they come in no matter what I look for.

I treat them like a virus!

mickjapa108 April 22nd, 2007 11:49 PM

The word you add to filter is "pranked" not prank.

when you see a file in search eg.. avi,mpg,mpeg you want
Right click/advanced/look up file with BITZI, if its not reported on leave it, till it is,
Now music, is not so easy,
The Newer they are, the more careful you must be.
The record company's are putting swarms of fakes on the network,
Take note of size, Songs less than 2000kb with 128kb bit rate, must be less than two minuets.
THINK!!, how long is the song I'm looking for ?
so what size SHOULD it be,
If it dos'nt have a bitrate! LEAVE it,
Scan every File before OPENING them
Don't D/L exe,rar,zip,or wma files. I am expert at using LimeWire & I don't touch them they are 99.9% viruses.
We only use these for testing anti virus programs.

P.S.. Add these words to your word filter .exe .rar .zip .wma That will stop 50% of crap search results, Don't forget to apply.


Martel April 23rd, 2007 06:13 PM

Thanks mickjapa108

I added pranked
and those others too (.exe .rar .zip .wma)
Should I put an asterix ahead of those extensions?

I appreciate the help so much!

Martel:idea: :rolleyes_2:


Originally Posted by mickjapa108
The word you add to filter is "pranked" not prank.

when you see a file in search eg.. avi,mpg,mpeg you want
Right click/advanced/look up file with BITZI, if its not reported on leave it, till it is,
Now music, is not so easy,
The Newer they are, the more careful you must be.
The record company's are putting swarms of fakes on the network,
Take note of size, Songs less than 2000kb with 128kb bit rate, must be less than two minuets.
THINK!!, how long is the song I'm looking for ?
so what size SHOULD it be,
If it dos'nt have a bitrate! LEAVE it,
Scan every File before OPENING them
Don't D/L exe,rar,zip,or wma files. I am expert at using LimeWire & I don't touch them they are 99.9% viruses.
We only use these for testing anti virus programs.

P.S.. Add these words to your word filter .exe .rar .zip .wma That will stop 50% of crap search results, Don't forget to apply.


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