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Martel April 12th, 2007 06:39 PM

somebody gets pranked what is that about
I see something like speilburg or letterman gets pranked are those viruses?

Grandpa April 12th, 2007 09:55 PM

I don't know what file size are they. Do a Bitzi look up on them

mickjapa108 April 13th, 2007 02:48 AM

Martel Hi.
Add the word "pranked" to your word filter, careful what words you add, make
sure they wont be in searches you may want.

Martel April 13th, 2007 05:56 AM

One example is "Steven Speilberg gets a hilarious prank phone call"
file size 3325kb
file type = wma

Another is "David_Letterman_get_Pranked "
file size 1193 kb
file type = wma

another is "Bill_Gates_get_pranked"
file size 1416 kb
file type= wma

These are surfacing but I'm using none of those words to search.

Bitzi search gave me server too busy will try later.

Thanks Grampa

I added the word prank to my filter.
Thanks mickjapa108

trevor57 April 15th, 2007 11:23 AM

i wouldn't download them.

Martel April 15th, 2007 02:57 PM

I won't but there was one that somehow was downloaded and reached 100%.

I immediately deleted it and ran cc cleaner.

Logan1882 April 22nd, 2007 05:37 PM

I, too am getting these stupid results and I want to know why these fools are allowed to post when there are people looking for legitimate music. I don't care if Bill Gates gets pranked. These people who post these phony files should be banned from the use of LimeWire.

Martel April 22nd, 2007 06:22 PM

Yea I added prank to my filter but they come in no matter what I look for.

I treat them like a virus!

mickjapa108 April 22nd, 2007 11:49 PM

The word you add to filter is "pranked" not prank.

when you see a file in search eg.. avi,mpg,mpeg you want
Right click/advanced/look up file with BITZI, if its not reported on leave it, till it is,
Now music, is not so easy,
The Newer they are, the more careful you must be.
The record company's are putting swarms of fakes on the network,
Take note of size, Songs less than 2000kb with 128kb bit rate, must be less than two minuets.
THINK!!, how long is the song I'm looking for ?
so what size SHOULD it be,
If it dos'nt have a bitrate! LEAVE it,
Scan every File before OPENING them
Don't D/L exe,rar,zip,or wma files. I am expert at using LimeWire & I don't touch them they are 99.9% viruses.
We only use these for testing anti virus programs.

P.S.. Add these words to your word filter .exe .rar .zip .wma That will stop 50% of crap search results, Don't forget to apply.


Martel April 23rd, 2007 06:13 PM

Thanks mickjapa108

I added pranked
and those others too (.exe .rar .zip .wma)
Should I put an asterix ahead of those extensions?

I appreciate the help so much!

Martel:idea: :rolleyes_2:


Originally Posted by mickjapa108
The word you add to filter is "pranked" not prank.

when you see a file in search eg.. avi,mpg,mpeg you want
Right click/advanced/look up file with BITZI, if its not reported on leave it, till it is,
Now music, is not so easy,
The Newer they are, the more careful you must be.
The record company's are putting swarms of fakes on the network,
Take note of size, Songs less than 2000kb with 128kb bit rate, must be less than two minuets.
THINK!!, how long is the song I'm looking for ?
so what size SHOULD it be,
If it dos'nt have a bitrate! LEAVE it,
Scan every File before OPENING them
Don't D/L exe,rar,zip,or wma files. I am expert at using LimeWire & I don't touch them they are 99.9% viruses.
We only use these for testing anti virus programs.

P.S.. Add these words to your word filter .exe .rar .zip .wma That will stop 50% of crap search results, Don't forget to apply.


mickjapa108 April 24th, 2007 04:17 AM

If asterix means, a Dot, then yes

If you are only looking for, Say, mp3 you can add other extensions eg.. .mov
.wmv Look at what the file extensions for the most spam results are & add them. THIS is a temp thing, then remove them when you have finished

Dark Guy April 24th, 2007 06:01 PM

I have never seen those kinda things since AGES in Shareaza, though i am connecting to both Gnutellas

Billpaxton April 25th, 2007 05:58 PM

Yeah, I hate that. So many files come up for EVERY search

Check out this rant about it http://************.html

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Edited to comply with the House Rules (click here).
Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form.

mickjapa108 April 26th, 2007 01:06 AM

Bill Hi.
All Those search results returned in that link,
Can be stopped by one little word ".wma" put in the search filter, If That seems like Rocket Science to you, Then get off P2P

P.S... IM watching You. L/W is our baby, Try reading the manual, Learn how to use L/W, Then you can enjoy Downloading/Uploading.
That link is just PROPER GANDER so delete it, Your just helping the Spammers.

Billpaxton April 26th, 2007 09:54 AM

Uh huh,

What if someone actually WANTS to find a .wma file? And if its so easy, why doesnt limewire filter these garbage files by default?

mickjapa108 April 27th, 2007 05:08 AM

Hi Bill.
If someone actually WANTS to find a .wma file, & let me add, I have many Good
.wma files that I share. You simply remove from the filter list the extension .wma

Don't look at the filter like a fixed thing, its an adjustable tool
If Im looking for mp3 format (for my mp3 player) Why sift through hundreds of files I already No I don't want.
If I want .wma files, then I add .mp3 & whatever other Formats that many spam results come through under.

You Say!!
"And if its so easy, why doesn't limewire filter these garbage files by default?"

Because LimeWire IS, AN OPEN INFORMATION SHARING (P2P) program. OPEN being the point.
They are looking out for your RIGHT to choose, What files, (Information) you require.
e.g. The Mail man should not be chastised, because he delivered your
item,that you chose from the catalog, & now its not what you thought it would be, You chose it.
LimeWire wish to make things easy for you, So they provide a filter for all to use.

Guana77664 April 27th, 2007 04:58 PM

Evidently, it isn't that simple to just leave that nonsense out. There have always been fools on this planet and there always will be, concerning stupid files like those "pranked" files and other stuff that I don't think should even be on LW. I have enough trouble trying to find songs without all those porno files popping up. I mean, who cares about (gross subject here)? Imho, I couldn't care less.

mickjapa108 April 28th, 2007 01:58 AM

Cusomer Service Reply
LimeWire is software that allows users to connect directly to other users'
computers, via the Gnutella network, and share files with them. It is not a
music service, we do not have any members, nor do we make any such indication, anywhere on our website.

We have no foreknowledge of, nor control over, what users decide to share over the Gnutella network, we do not place any files on the network for users to download, nor do we make any guarantee that you will find the files you are searching for.

Firewalls are not the cause of every LimeWire issue. "Need more sources" is
already addressed in our FAQ:

Please provide a clear, detailed description of your problem, so I can better
assist you. In addition, if you are getting an error message, you will need to
include it in your response, exactly as it appears on your screen, as well as
the exact moment at which you received the message. To learn about peer-to-peer file sharing, and the Gnutella network, please visit:


benj April 28th, 2007 10:04 AM

:xeri_ok1ani: just wanted to say hi and thank everyone one the neet little tricks for frostwire. if i find anything else that i've not seen i'll be sure to let all my new friends know.
knowlege is power!:

cay1172 April 28th, 2007 10:42 AM

you guys didn't understand Prank ?
I was downloading last night and ran across 3 or 4 Steven Segal, etc gets prank call...I was searching Sesame Street songs - I think that the person who posted the original thread doesn't understand how the search engine works and why he's seeing these pranks in the response.

mickjapa108 April 28th, 2007 10:42 AM

Sure Is Friend, benj.

mickjapa108 April 28th, 2007 11:03 AM

cay Hi.
Those search results are all computer generated spam, A blind man should see

benj April 28th, 2007 12:03 PM

just filter them out and be done with it.

Guana77664 April 29th, 2007 07:41 PM

Not everybody knows how to use the filter feature in LW. Even I don't know how to use it, so I don't mess with those stupid files. It just irks me that people would be stupid enough to send that crap, that's all. :bangh:

Billpaxton April 30th, 2007 10:07 PM

You guys are all limewire nuts, YOU know how to filter that stuff and YOU know its spam or adware or porn. But your average user does not. Heres a crazy idea for limewire : how about have the file name ONLY determine what files pop up? Obviously someone has found a way to circumvent their crap search system. ANY search makes those prank files pop up. How is that a properly working search feature?

eg. if i type "batman and hafjkhasvnjasonjvnawjvnwskevjlwnjknjk toilet dishwasher" in the search they will pop up. And you somehow defend that?

mickjapa108 May 1st, 2007 02:49 AM

Hi Bill.
If you type that in, You will get these search results,anything with.batman,man,bat,and,has,jason,son,toilet,dishw asher,dish,washer,wash,ash,
Thats just at a glance.
As you can only put 30 key strokes in the search bar, That search is imposable!!
But I do get your point.
If I really wanted that exact file name, I would try typing in, FIRST, "toilet" thats all.
Just type in the less common words e.g. in this song "She'll be coming round the Mountain when she comes" ONLY type "Mountain" in search.
Mostly its small common words that trigger spam results, SO LEAVE THEM OUT
When I see what I believe is a result I want, I right click on it, choose search,
and get more of this exact search result.
Now this particular result has its own signature, a sample of the first part of the
file, this is unique to that file, so now when you search, even if someone has
changed the name of that file, it will still come up & be counted as a # in the
results. # means the number of uses that have that file for share.

P.S. What part of our conversation leads you to the conclusion that I defend
Spamming. Be careful what you say, honest debate is fine, Lie about what Ive
said or, purposely mislead people on this forum & your rite to post will be taken away:Smilywais:

P.P.S. Guana!! Dont Get Irked Get Educated.

x111x May 2nd, 2007 04:38 PM

i agree with mickjapa108, ive been here months b4 i joined forum, ive had no probs with anything just use your common sense, put in the least obvious word, see what happens, you dont have to download anything after all

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