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bribos June 10th, 2007 06:59 PM

What the heck happened?(scam version)
Howdy everybody...
I have been using Limewire for almost 2 years now, and have been
extremely satisfied with it. I have probably d'loaded about 3 gb of tunes.
2 weeks ago I guess my 'lifetime' membership expired and I purchased
LW pro. First of all, an explanation is needed but not forthcoming as to
why a 'lifetime' membership would expire. But that is moot at this point.
LimeWire pro is a joke. Easily 75% of the search results that come back
to me are either crap about somebody getting punked on the phone, or something completely off the mark from what I searched for. My tastes
are relatively simple: Classic rock, country and a little bit of big band.
But there is so much that is not available out there now, seemingly since
I purchased the "latest and greatest" thing from Limewire.
To make matters worse, having read a thread about Frostwire, I would guess that Limewire as we know it will go the way of NAPSTER in just a little be prepared.
How do I go about getting my money back?:mad:

6_pac June 10th, 2007 08:16 PM

Howdy back at ya,

This is the intro section of the Gnutella Forums. You should post your LW questions in the LW section:

I guess my 'lifetime' membership expired
That's a contradiction in terms.......LW doesn't offer a Lifetime Membership: Membership? - **WARNING ** BEWARE** - Download p2p Clients ONLY Thru Official Sites.

Easily 75% of the search results that come back
to me are either crap about somebody getting punked on the phone, or something completely off the mark from what I searched for.
Easly 95% of the files I search for result in a successful download. Sorry bout your luck. Some tips can be found in this thread: How to find music(also applies to video)

To make matters worse, having read a thread about Frostwire, I would guess that Limewire as we know it will go the way of NAPSTER in just a little while
What thread is that? The end of the world is comming, so be prepared(this should offend everyone). Flash » The End of the World

How do I go about getting my money back?
LW has a no refund policy: Lime Wire » Refund Policy

:welcomeani: and Good Day.

Peerless June 10th, 2007 08:38 PM

hey....he did introduce himself, neh????


which is NOT
General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion

6_pac June 10th, 2007 08:59 PM

I said howdy back...???? :p

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