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chrispo June 14th, 2007 12:04 AM

Limewire beginner (Mirar spyware)
Hi All,
I'm a real novice on Limewire, so I'm hoping you will excuse me if this is a dumb question. I downloaded a track and tried to play it, but a window opened, called Media Usage Rights Acquisition, with the address I opened the window and it started downloading a program, which I thought would allow me to play the music. I still can't get the music to play, but now I have a program called Mirar that I can't uninstall. It has stuck itself into my toolbar and I can't make it go away. Any suggestions?

6_pac June 14th, 2007 01:15 AM

Just google for Mirar and you'll get alot of results for removeing it. It's a type of adware. Here's a link to a google search: Mirar - Google Search. Good luck getting rid of it. I learned the hard way.

If you need help, try these sites:

Spyware Warrior :: Index

CastleCops® » Security Forums

SpywareInfo Forum FAQ - SWI Forums

More info on viruses in this thread: WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of!

If your trying to play a file and it tells you to d/l something from the internet, just delete the file and search for something else. You shouldn't have to d/l anything in order to play a file, and definately don't d/l activeX files unless it's from a trusted site and your know why your d/ling it.

For videos, stick to avi's and mpg's. Stay away from wmv's, mov's, and asf files. See What you should know about WMA & WMV Files

wondering why June 14th, 2007 01:26 AM

You downloaded a file that had spyware attached to it...
Follow these instructions to get it off your computer...
Mirar :: Mirar Removal Instructions

Also have a look at this sticky it will tell you what to stay away from when you are downloading...;)
WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of!

wondering why June 14th, 2007 01:27 AM

Your to bloody quick 6_Pac...:D

chrispo June 14th, 2007 04:44 PM

Thanks everyone. It's gone now and I won't be sucked in again.

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