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dalleto June 15th, 2007 12:52 AM

p2p in USA particular in OHIO
Guys is p2p sharing banned in USA? and is it true that if they caught you using p2p software like limewire or torrent your internet connection will be disconnected or something bad will happen to you? And also can you give me advice on how to deal with it? thanks

birdy June 15th, 2007 02:17 AM

I think you'll find that downloading of copyrighted material is illegal in the USA;)

LW itself is legal, it's what you download that can get you into trouble. You need to use Google to search & find out your local laws. You can also use the forum search to look for legal, legality, copyright...that should bring up quite a few threads with useful info.

dalleto June 15th, 2007 04:57 AM

you were right about the "stuff" that im downloading that will determined the illegality of p2p sharing, but im in ASIA today and im downloading anime and some movies using limewire and torrent.

ukbobboy01 June 15th, 2007 06:19 AM


Your first question sounded like the stuff of "Urban Legends", especially the part about:

something bad will happen to you
The Bogey Man is coming for you:dracula::evil_2:

UK Bob

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