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beaneyedcat July 18th, 2007 05:59 PM


I had limewire on my former computer- which crashed (#$%^) and I lost all the music I downloaded....

I reisntalled the latest version two weeks ago on my new , fairly identical Mac, and just started trying to rebuild my library---- but searches that used to get tons of results with high #'s all the way down the list now show nothing but crap- ---and after I blocked hosts and junk flagged the crap ----barely any results show up, and whatever does show up has 1 host to download from so it keeps needing more sources ???

Im talking artists I downloaded 50 songs from before- from 8 or more hosts at a time - now show no results other then spam !!!

I tried removing and adding hosts....

I tried searching albums and songs instead of or with artists ...

I dont know if this is an actual bug or problem that can be fixed?
or maybe theres a way to target hosts more likely to have what I want???


wondering why July 19th, 2007 03:32 AM

This may help...

beaneyedcat July 19th, 2007 04:44 PM

Thanks--but its not the junk- its the lack of legit
Thanks much for the reply, I actually have read this and several other forum quest & answ.sessions... but ...

I know how to get rid of the junk, I have keyword and host filters on, I block hosts & recognize fakes....Its just now when I block the fakes & spam hardly any legit files show up to replace it.

I also know how to do diff. combos & strategies for searches ---and it worked great before, I was able to find tons of stuff for relatively popular "alternative" music, even halfway obscure bands/artists...

Now...for ex. last night I did various searches for REM with/without Murmer specified , and with spam/junk blocked 2 legit songs came up in results,neither from the album ....I switched out hosts sereval times too... I mean come on, thats ridiculous?? and even artists who do bring up a fair number have like 5 songs with more than 1 host to download from.

maybe its the whole leaf /ultrapeer thing, maybe I did the bulk of my former searches before they changed things- restricted or annexed connections or whatever. All I know is I cant find half of my old music and its making me sad.

Thanks for looking out


longjump July 20th, 2007 12:39 AM

I feel your pain [I'm air high-fiving you]. I have a nearly identical situation and frustration, and it's not just with music files. Today I tried disabling OOB Searching, Chat, and Player, and that *seemed* to make my searches a little more similar to what they used to be. Not sure which if any of those changes might've done it, if any. Could've been a coincidence.

Like you I'm beginning to suspect it may have something to do w/ change(s) in the topology of the network and LW, such as the ultrapeer thing f'rinstance. They seem to have solved a lot of the problems LW used to have, and they say they've made the network more efficient, but I'm wondering if they've also reduced our access to the wider network somehow, in the process.

Good luck, and pls post again in this thread if you ever figure out how to get back to those old search results.

JM1011 July 24th, 2007 10:19 AM

Just to keep this discussion alive, I have noticed the same thing. After returning from a trip in early July the whole character of the search results changed from what I would get before I left. I could always get relatively obscure artists and obscure songs from popular artists in addition to the very popular ones. These results would have a trashcan icon next to them but more often than not they would download as easily as the results with stars next to them. Now all I get is results with four stars. I changed no settings and downloaded no new versions. I wonder what happened?

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