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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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I forgot "original poster not willing to listen to the answer" in reasons stated in other thread.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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Originally Posted by Sleepless View Post
I forgot "original poster not willing to listen to the answer" in reasons stated in other thread.
Funny. My fingers are getting sore from all the IP's I have had to the filter this morning. It's MY bandwidth and I'll say who is welcome to use it.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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Originally Posted by rpbizzle View Post
While monitiring, some have the browse option blocked. How can I prevent those with this option blocked from connecting to me. By god, if their not willing to share with me, I'm sure as heck not going to share with them.

See attached.'s a suggestion (thought of due to sore fingers), add the option of "add IP to filter" to the list of other monitor options.
The Kill Upload option is getting worn out and the extra option would greatly save time and allow my fingers to heal.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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Default Inability to Browse Shared Directory


You asked:
How are they able to block browse? and BTW... do you have any proof of this? It this stated somewhere in a LW manual?
Let me tell you that my shared folder cannot be browsed by others, not because it is a deliberate action on my part but a consequence of the security equipment (both hardware and software) I use.

First, I have a modem router, containing a NAT table/firewall, that will automatically reject any internet communication that was not initiated by my PC.

Second, I have installed Norton Personal Firewall, fully set to stealth all ports and reject anything that has not been requested.

Third, I have switched off the “chat” function within LW, I understand that without “chat” the browse function has difficulty working.

However, despite that I can download from others and I can monitor other P2P users downloading files from me.

Finally, there is no function within LW that can tell you whether someone is or is not sharing their files.

Therefore, your idea (or feeling) that “if you cannot browse someone they are not sharing their files” is entirely false.

UK Bob

Last edited by ukbobboy01; July 20th, 2007 at 10:02 AM. Reason: To fully answer the questions.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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Therefore, your idea (or feeling) that “if you cannot browse someone they are not sharing their files” is entirely false.

BS. LW needs to address this problem as I will not tolerate people coming into MY living quarters (so to speak) and take up bandwidth from those out there that are unafraid and willing to be browsed. I think theres something fishy about all this. You let who ever you wish into your house but I'll have a little say so who comes into MINE.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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Originally Posted by rpbizzle View Post
Hea guess what?! It's like walking into my house, take a look around and taking anything they want without permission. Narrow minded?! Whatever! I'm 49 years old and couldn't care less what you think of me on a personal level. I have a suggestion.....send me my 18.88 back and I'll use a different program. If this is your idea of user support, I can do without it. Who the freaking hell are you to pass judgement of others anyway? Your not God. I think something is fishy about the truth of this blocked browse issue.
You seem to passing the judgement, by blocking every IP you can't browse...
Tell you what why don't you make this complaint to the developers of limewire and stop spamming this forum with all your crap...

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2007
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Originally Posted by wondering why View Post
You seem to passing the judgement, by blocking every IP you can't browse...
Tell you what why don't you make this complaint to the developers of limewire and stop spamming this forum with all your crap...
Yeah...why don't you direct me to the "developers" so I can get some HELP. Don't worry about who I decide to block from my computer. It's NONE of your business. Excuse the hell out of me but I thought this site WAS/IS/HAS/HAD something to do with Limewire.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 21st, 2007
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You are a sad angry little man aren't you...
Go to Limewire's support, you paid for it so whinge to them...

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old September 26th, 2007
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Exclamation He's got a point though

I'm not sure that the feedback is particularly helpful here. I have the same gripe in a way and rightly or wrongly see it as follows:

My understanding is that Browse Host means that people can look at the "room in your house" that you've agreed to let people share already. But if you can't browse that room then surely they can't be sharing.

I'm prepared to accept that its a sporadic state and that people who are sometimes not open maybe at other times; so filtering them may not be the best solution.

What I'd like would be preference given to people who are available. At the moment, when I can be bothered, I kill the upload of people who's host I can't browse in favour of queued people whose files are available. An automatic way of doing this seems like a good idea to me.

One final thought - A large amount of people who I can browse have little or nothing in their "room" - maybe they're the real freeloaders who you should be filtering.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old September 26th, 2007
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Jesus, take a chill **** rpbizzle. The spirit of P2P is one of open access. The person who is downloading from you could be 13 or 73, they may be still wrestling with how to go about using LW or maybe they have just started using it and ain`t built up anything to share as yet. Nobody is entering your home, you designated a share folder when you set up the program and deemed it ok for people to access it when you did so. I don`t view access to my share folder as a personal one to one issue, this is a community and I open my folder to that community because the community opens its folders to me.
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