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  #11 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2002
Crazy Scientist
Join Date: November 17th, 2001
Location: Belgium
Posts: 374
VTOLfreak is flying high
Question You make the installers for LimeWire ?

Just asking : Are you aware that allot of people are having installer crashes and leaving LW because they can't install ?
Isn't that a signal to step away from InstallShield and the Windows Installer engine ?

Can I make a suggestion :
Inno Setup 2.0.18 with Martijn laan Extensions .

It's a free one , get it here :

It's a installer wich isn't dependant on Windows Installer .
And it supports full blown PasCal Scripting , I can even make it play MP3's .

This is also the Installer that Clean LimeWire uses now .
We haven't had a single report of an installer crash or error .

BTW the Clean LimeWire project homepage has moved .
New url :

Now how can people discuss what they think of LW if they can't get it to install in the first place ??
You beter get these problems fixed , Afisk ...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2002
Crazy Scientist
Join Date: November 17th, 2001
Location: Belgium
Posts: 374
VTOLfreak is flying high
Question You make the installers for LimeWire ?

Just asking : Are you aware that allot of people are having installer crashes and leaving LW because they can't install ?
Isn't that a signal to step away from InstallShield and the Windows Installer engine ?

Can I make a suggestion :
Inno Setup 2.0.18 with Martijn laan Extensions .

It's a free one , get it here :

It's a installer wich isn't dependant on Windows Installer .
And it supports full blown PasCal Scripting , I can even make it play MP3's .

This is also the Installer that Clean LimeWire uses now .
We haven't had a single report of an installer crash or error .

BTW the Clean LimeWire project homepage has moved .
New url :

Now how can people discuss what they think of LW if they can't get it to install in the first place ??
You beter get these problems fixed , Afisk ...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2002
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 7th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high

Thanks for the link. I will definitely look into it. We're very much aware of the installer issues. We updated to InstallShield Developer 7.0 because we had an upgrade subscription, and it was the latest and greatest technology, but we did not expect that it would be nearly as buggy as it is. It also has a really handy little tool for quickly making custom install panels, which is especially nice for all of us Java coders over here who only have a limited knowledge of win32 =).

We do have an alternate installer (the Nullsoft one) for the pro version, but we haven't built some of the more sophisticated installer functionality that's in the free version (custom panels, dynamic JRE download) into the Nullsoft one.

We may very well go back to the older version of InstallShield that works a heck of a lot better. We also may very well make some changes in the installer that will make all of this a bit easier.

Does the Inno Setup installer allow you to easily create custom panels, check the registry, etc?

Thanks very much again.

Last edited by afisk; February 1st, 2002 at 04:39 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2002
Crazy Scientist
Join Date: November 17th, 2001
Location: Belgium
Posts: 374
VTOLfreak is flying high

Yes, the entire works .

To sum it up : Everything you can do in PasCal !
Like I said before .
You can even make it play background music while installing if you want it to .

And make custom pages , change every message and text , graphic , you name it .
It can do everything you want with the registry .
Register Dll's , shared files .
It has a decent uninstaller too .
It can make shortcuts and change every aspect of them .
Like if you tried a CLW 2.1.3 installer released after 28/1/02 , you might have noticed that the intenet links launch maximized .

You can do everything the big and expensive installers can do .
And If you know a little PasCal , you're hooked .
Then the features are literally unlimited .

Just try it , It won't hurt to try .
It's free and more important there is no spyware or such involved bundled .
See , this installer isn't made by some big company like InstallShield but it's made by a single person .

Also , the program loads very fast .
How much time does installShield take to start up and get to work ?
2 mins ?
This thing loads up in less then 2 seconds .

An important thing ; It supports BZip2 and regular zip compression .
What this means , well CLW is crammed into 1.8MB for example .
That includes LW , CyDoor remover, help files , uninstaller , ...

There is also one little negative side on this installer .
Or a positive one since it forces you to learn the scripting language :
This program has no wizard !!
But the basic language is very easy to learn .

But here is the biggest thing I like about it :
It does not need an temp dir to work .
It does not extract any files to an temp dir !
(Well exept for 1 dll file into the Windows temp folder wich wil be erased after installation)

This installer works on every Windows version ranging from NT 3.51 and Win 3.1 to Win XP

Is there an E-mail addres I can mail you ?
I'll zip up the script and files of CLW .
Then you can see for yourself .

Last edited by VTOLfreak; February 1st, 2002 at 04:38 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2002
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 7th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high

Thanks for the response. I'd be happy to take a look at the script if you e-mail it to me at I am probably more inclined just to use the older version of InstallShield that we already have, as it has the same functionality, and we had almost no errors with it. I also already have the old scripts and everything built for it, so it would be nice and easy.

I'd be very interested to take a look, though. Thanks again.
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