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caseybob August 27th, 2007 06:33 AM

LW users shirking sharing etc
Hello: Would like to encourage SHARING by LW users, but find that very few (about 1 in 20) enable 'chat' in their configuration. Its the only way I know to see what music people uploading from me have available for me to share (there may be another way-if so, somebody let me know). It is the height of selfishness not to enable chat! In the hundreds of hours I have been on for share, only once did I see LW management delete a 'freeloader' configured to share only with users who have shared 40 files.
Does LimeWire monitor up/down loaders 24/7, or is it just sporadic? Sidebar question; what is 'uploading hash tree' all about?
"Sharing is a MUST in life"
Best to all, caseybob

6_pac August 28th, 2007 12:41 AM

Limewire doesn't monitor traffic on the network. People are free to share whatever they want. That's the nature of file sharing and why there's a lot of spam/junk files being shared.

I don't think the freeloader option works. Just because you can't browse someone, doesn't mean they're not sharing. It could just mean that all their bandwidth is used up, or they are new and don't have any files to share yet. You'll have better luck browsing from your search results than form your upload window.

See LOTR's post for info on hash trees:

caseybob August 29th, 2007 03:31 AM

Reply to 6-pac re sharing
Hi 6pac: Thanks for your usual helpful reply. Just one note...I use direct search a lot, but there are so many great artists and songs I have forgotten in my centuries on this planet, I find dozens of the forgotten in the files of people uploading from me. Hence, my shirking sharing post. Keep that fridge cold! caseybob

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