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Countrygal316 October 27th, 2007 10:05 PM

Limewire Library
:confused::confused: When I go into My " Limewire" and I check it out and D/L a song or two, I go to my Library and I "Always" "Rename" the titles of songs and their singers/artists. I always click on "Shared" Files. I did that tonight and I went to My "Shared" files and the Grey Screen was there with a box stating "Configuration"?? I can't get my "Shared Files" to show, how do I get that "Configuration" box removed?:confused::confused:

birdy October 27th, 2007 10:11 PM

Click on the little black arrow next to shared files, now click on the shared folder that appears. Does that work?

Countrygal316 October 27th, 2007 10:26 PM

Limewire Library
:confused::confused: It's not doing anything now? I did click on the arrow button as you said but it just went to a full page of blank with the lists of the shared, incomplete, etc. on the left hand side where it's always at, wiht the rest of the screen in white. Then, I hit ait again and it brought up every artist I had in Limewire. I'll keep messing with it, thanks so much.

Remoc October 28th, 2007 04:11 AM

Try clicking on Saved Files, right underneath Shared Files. This will show everything thats in your library. Configuration is for making multiple Shared Folders. AFAIK Hope this helps. :D

Countrygal316 October 28th, 2007 10:53 AM

Tried It All

It doesn't make sense, I've tried everything and I can't get that gray screen down. I've clicked on the little black buttons on the side. I used to be able to just hit the "Shared" files folder and It would just pop up and the grey screen would be gone. The other shared folder shows all the D/L's in Red. Thanks so much, if you have any other suggestions, just let me know.

Remoc October 28th, 2007 11:08 AM

If the files are red then that means that they are not being shared. Not sure if this could be part of the problem.

To share the files, left click and drag down all the unshared files untill all are highlighted. Now right click and click Share Files. Hope this helps somehow. :D

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