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madjim December 7th, 2007 09:53 AM

Email Addresses Not Recognized
I purchased a copy of Limewire Pro years ago and lost everything in a hard drive crash. I've tried every email address I have and none of them are recognized by your system. :(

Is there any way to get a working version of Pro without paying any more money?

Thank You

James A. Hall

Lord of the Rings December 7th, 2007 10:01 AM

More than a few months ago, LW only offered Pro support & updates for 6 months period. Now they offer it for an optional 6 or 12 months. If you purchased LW pro more than 6 months ago then your email address will have been auto-removed from their database systems long ago.

You can either purchase LW pro again, else get LW Basic for FREE at Lime Wire » Download LimeWire.

(If you don't wish to contribute toward LW's future development, then get Basic.)

madjim December 7th, 2007 10:52 AM

Pretty poor when a company won't let you have what you paid for. :confused:

Limewire just lost a supporter, ME :eek:.


ukbobboy01 December 7th, 2007 11:24 AM


Did you know that at the time you purchased LW Pro it was only for 6 months worth of support and updates/upgrades. Now, if you did not know that then have you every stopped and asked yourself why you didn't know?

UK Bob

madjim December 10th, 2007 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by ukbobboy01 (Post 300410)

Did you know that at the time you purchased LW Pro it was only for 6 months worth of support and updates/upgrades. Now, if you did not know that then have you every stopped and asked yourself why you didn't know?

UK Bob

Yes Bob I knew about the six month support/uipdates limitation. I don't want support or an update, I want a copy of the pro version that I paid for!


Lord of the Rings December 10th, 2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by madjim (Post 300394)
Hello, I purchased a copy of Limewire Pro years ago and lost everything in a hard drive crash.

But you received it right? Years ago. And used it for years. It was up to you to make a backup copy of it.
Same applies to users now; if they purchase Pro, it's their responsibility to keep a backup of their installer in case their support finishes or a particular update does not behave well for them. I guess it's vaguely a little like a warranty ... the time has long passed.

madjim December 11th, 2007 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings (Post 300844)
But you received it right? Years ago. And used it for years. It was up to you to make a backup copy of it.
Same applies to users now; if they purchase Pro, it's their responsibility to keep a backup of their installer in case their support finishes or a particular update does not behave well for them. I guess it's vaguely a little like a warranty ... the time has long passed.

Any other company who's programs I purchased makes older copies of the program available so their customers can always get a copy. It would seem that Limewire is big enough (and making enough money) to do the same. How much does it cost to keep old programs in a folder?

I don't appreciate your "tongue lashing" and it doesn't make Limewire right or look any better in this case. Maybe it's time to do things a little different.

If Limewire wants to make this right they should supply me with a copy of the program THAT I PAID FOR (not an upgrade). If you can't help make this happen, please don't respond to this post.

Lord of the Rings December 11th, 2007 11:11 AM

Did you read the conditions of purchase ... as most people should do before they purchase something. 6 months ONLY support & updates .. only during that period can you get another copy. If you want another copy without paying, then get LW BASIC it is FREE.

Since when does Adobe, Microsoft or any other major software company give free full versions of a software to anybody when their purchase support has ceased (including previous versions) without paying (there is usually some kind of time/other limit.) Perhaps some generous small time software dealers might.

I don't work for LW nor does this forum belong to

You paid for a software, you received it & had multiple years use of it, your support finished. Do you also want a free replacement for your TV you bought ten years ago? woot :cantseeyou: :D

Older LW versions are not available because the Gnutella network goes through changes. Allowing older version software of any gnutella client to still be available when it's behaviour is detriment to the running of the network is not in the best interests of the users as a whole.

LW's recent forced update was also due to this reason which was explained to us by their employees.

madjim December 11th, 2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings (Post 300877)
Did you read the conditions of purchase ... as most people should do before they purchase something. 6 months ONLY support & updates .. only during that period can you get another copy. If you want another copy without paying, then get LW BASIC it is FREE.

Since when does Adobe, Microsoft or any other major software company give free full versions of a software to anybody when their purchase support has ceased (including previous versions) without paying (there is usually some kind of time/other limit.) Perhaps some generous small time software dealers might.

I don't work for LW nor does this forum belong to

You paid for a software, you received it & had multiple years use of it, your support finished. Do you also want a free replacement for your TV you bought ten years ago? woot :cantseeyou: :D

Older LW versions are not available because the Gnutella network goes through changes. Allowing older version software of any gnutella client to still be available when it's behaviour is detriment to the running of the network is not in the best interests of the users as a whole.

LW's recent forced update was also due to this reason which was explained to us by their employees.

I appreciate you taking the time to write this explanation but it doesn't get me what I paid for. The program was an older version but worked fine on the present network. Regardless of the changes you mentioned I paid for the ability to download faster which I can't do with the free version.

Problems like these will keep file sharing networks free because the companies won't make any long term profit. They will not get any more of my money for sure!

Microsoft and Adobe (I have purchsed software from both) send you their program on a disc when you buy a program so THIS PROBLEM CAN'T OCCURE If I recall correctly the Limewire install took place online and I could only save the download link, which I did. When I used it it loaded the present version of the free software.

TV's break down, software doesn't. No comparison.

Thanks Again, GOD Bless!


Lord of the Rings December 11th, 2007 08:25 PM

LW used to give the option of the installer on a CD for a little extra cost, but you chose the online installer. That's not their fault but your choice. Also your choice not to back the installer up. I mean .. most people will back up their stuff. (Same applies to most major software companies ... you have a choice to purchase the cd or online installer.)

And NO Adobe & MS do NOT offer any past online installers for those whose support has finished.

I dont' care if you use LW or not, use another gnutella program or don't use any p2p program. I am just trying to point out the facts & logic to you.

And right now this thread is not going anywhere except for you flaming against LW for your misunderstanding.

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