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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2008
Join Date: April 3rd, 2008
Posts: 2
tloren08 is flying high
Default What Am I Doing Wrong????

Ok, I have a question. OHHHHHH Please don't really make me read three days worth of stuff that I likely won't understand anyway.........

I bought a new computer a while back. Has Windows Vista. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but now when I try to make a cd from songs dwnld. from Limewire, they won't play on my cd player. They will on my stereo in my home, but not in my truck! What am I doing wrong?? Never had probs with last computer. I've even made cd on this computer, (WV), put them on other computer, then made another cd. STILL WON'T PLAY!! I'm bumfuzzled..... Can't imagine what I'm screwing up. I'm making sure the cds are "closed"..... Help!!! Thanks

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2008
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Cleaning Lady
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Start with your 'last'... Closed is good !

Now, let's get a bit specific...
The files you are downloading are going to be (99.99%) .mp3 or .wma or .ogg types of compressed audio files, OK ?

When you 'burn' your D/Led files to a CD are you 'converting' those files to what is known as CDA or just 'copying' the compressed format files to CD ?
'CDA' is, for practical talking purposes here and now, the same as a store-bought commercial CD... Well, as far as players are concerned that is true.

If... If you are burning, for example, .mp3 files to your CD it is quite possible that a newer home player (CD and/or DVD) is capable of 'playing' .mp3s while the player in your truck is not.

What program are you now using to burn CDs and/or DVDs ?
I hope that it is not Windows Media Player with the MS bundled sh¡t !

You say that you had no probs with your past computer...
What's changed aside from the horrors of Vista ?

btw, bumfuzzled is nothing in comparison to being fuzzlebummed (although I hear there are drugs you can take for both conditions) !
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2008
Join Date: April 3rd, 2008
Posts: 2
tloren08 is flying high

haha.... very good.... The drugs WORK.... yes....

hummmm, fuzzlebummed is bad ...

Actually, I understand three, no, maybe 4 words that you used! Geeeeeze, prob easier to buy a new truck!!! Have thought of that already...

Ok, There have been times, don't know when or why, but that my computer has (I'm sure it's the computer cause I never woulda thought of it) told me to "convert" the files. I did. However, I can't find anything that gives me that option now.

You know, I'm downloading the same as always, (even sometimes the same songs, cause I didn't have the last computer backed up) it just won't play now. I have looked at the properties of the disk on both comp. and as far as I can see, they're the same. But ......... then there's my brain..... maybe I'm missin something.... gosh...

Today I used Roxio. I've used them all at one time or another though. Well, cept for Windows Media Player. Hey, if it didn't cost me a month's wages, it can't be good, right??? WMP comes with Windows.. how good can THAT be???? K. Ezactly...

I dunno.... Life is so hard sometimes. This computer (Vista) has a high speed connection card... So it's fast. The other one has dial-up. It's so old, it doesn't have a slot for high speed and it takes six weeks to download a song.

I dunno bout Vista... I've noticed lots of programs aren't ready for it yet. That sucks. Oh well....

Least we got drugs, huh?!? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
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