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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question Free Limewire installs TopMoxie: question:

LW developers/Adam, you seem to have avoided this question the three times I posted it in my now closed, previous post.

As it is now the main issue with LimeWire, please respond:

Can you answer the concern that TopMoxie is fraudulently acquiring revenue for Limewire by means of false referrals? I realize that other companies/non-profits use TopMoxie, that isn't my question.

In detail:

If I go to (for example), of my own accord, TopMoxie redirects my url to make it seem like I was referred there by limewire. Limewire then gets a percentage of the money I spend. Is that not stealing from

If I was visiting and clicked their banner, ebay would not get the referral, limewire would. Is that not stealing from

Am I incorrect in my knowledge of TopMoxie?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Default Re: Free Limewire installs TopMoxie: question:

Originally posted by Gratis
Am I incorrect in my knowledge of TopMoxie?
Did you investigated this?

Did you read it on a website?

Can you post links?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2002
Posts: n/a

Thanks for a thouroughly honest and open reply.

Have you looked into an advertising recruiter? Sponsorship seems like a viable alternative.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Thanks to your fascist thread-close, I couldn't explain what Mike The LLama is.

Scroll to bottom :-)

BTW, I wonder how you will be able to close news about first Java malware installed w/o users knowledge on news sites.

Even Bearshare (you know why I use "even" word) asks what to include in installation.

You abuse the granted access of Java to run your program to run another program which listens on spesific port.

Thats why (for now) there aren't furious posts on usenet over it, people (currently) doesn't know whats going on. For now.... :-)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

I don't try to make you counter-productive but you should know TopMoxie is mentioned as a security risk already.

I say "risk", and that post is sure not a end user (add words like clueless etc) flaming, it comes from

ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator"

It came with iMesh once, now Limewire.

My last post on this forum, if I sounded agressive, yea sorry I was, because my machine was doing which I wasn't aware for hours.

I wanted to test if my quick hack worked on Java 2, making it runnable. Worked. Than remembered the famous "error 1608" appearing while trying to install Limewire, it didn't appear too :-)

There is a fix for the error 1608, another fix rather than Installshield corp. knows. Oh I found it myself, reported to Sun and several affected companies.

I remember the days when I was furiously advertising Limewire because

a) support of Java 2 platform
b) support of Spyware free programs.

If I was in these days, I would run to this forum and share that fix with anyone. But you limewire people changed. Not helping a haxorwannabe, script kiddie and also a Topmoxie distrobutor.

Cya when you remove that product from your distro. IMHO, Cydoor etc. are exteremely polite companies if you think of Topmoxie.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Well, my posting was a bit agressive too. The reason of this is mainly my experience with bugs in cydoor, which went from bluescreens and lockups all the way up to file system errors and heavy data loss. It wasn“t Limewire, but Imesh, it came with, but I know, Cydoor caused the problems, because they went away after deleting it with adaware.
BTW. The bandwidth Cydoor used, cannot be explained with only downloading banners. It was far beyond that.
So my question to the developers, what reason they have, to believe, what the Cydoor people say, after they had already once lied to them about a program.

The other question (to Gratis and other informed people) was, if TopMoxie or any other advertising method (except banners inside limewire downloaded by limewire, while limewire is running), spyware or maybe system reconfigurations ą la "" are known to be bundled with limewire under linux

Btw: I am a happy user of Limewire 1.7 . Great program!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Only the windows version contains bundled software!

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

I am having trouble understanding these posts also. A few of you guys are speaking english as a second language (pretty amazingly). The trouble comes in when you combine this with high-tech computer lingo....

You don't have to be registered to type a username in the "unregisterd" space. This would make it easier to see who is who.

To the person talking about the "error 1608:" I have also thought about the potential problem in granting java access to use limewire, which could then run other java programs. Can you explain the whole story, from the beginning, in simple terms? What is this "hack" that you're talking about?

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Gratis
I am having trouble understanding these posts also. A few of you guys are speaking english as a second language (pretty amazingly). The trouble comes in when you combine this with high-tech computer lingo....

You don't have to be registered to type a username in the "unregisterd" space. This would make it easier to see who is who.

To the person talking about the "error 1608:" I have also thought about the potential problem in granting java access to use limewire, which could then run other java programs. Can you explain the whole story, from the beginning, in simple terms? What is this "hack" that you're talking about?

Quick hack meant its own meaning, not a hacker thing, its just a simple tweak to get rid of that error.

I didn't "die" to Install limewire but having enormious problems with certain sites (using Java 2 tech) using alternative browsers such as Opera, Netscape 6 I tried like dozens of things to make them work smoothly. At last I figured whats the problem with them.

Than I remembered "Errror 1608" while installing Limewire before, I re-downloaded it (I am damn sorry for that now), checked, no "error 1608".

I reported my quick fix (better than the hack word I assume) to several Java based companies affected including Executive Software having same problem.

Not Limewire, that TopMoxie must begone than we talk. I apreciate (REALLY) Limewire guys and respect them for coding worlds first really usable end user java 2 app but NOT Topmoxie.

Let me say, if I was an american, I would sue TopMoxie.

Also LimeWire developers, I am sorry about my flaming to you, at least half of it. As TopMoxie is an Java app too, I wrongly understood that you coded it too. As I know your programming skills, I was horrified.

Lets say, what about implementing this?:

Java would play with XML like a toy, especially Java 2 platform. Its purely opt-in and hundreds of thousands sent their profile to Opera soft with their own free will. My reason was, not to see stupid ads, at least the ads who may concern me and believe, when they are like that (whats the need of harvesting millions of URLs user visited, just to get a clue about their age etc) you really CLICK them.

Nobody currently "cries" that Opera is spyware too, its just because they are really opt-in.

As I was blamed to be counter-productive, maybe you would take it as my apologies. I am not generally agressive and anonymous like that.

Last note, get rid of TopMoxie, it will give you a REAL headache soon.

Have a nice day,

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

I am still having a hard time figuring out what you are saying. You ran limewire and got a system error? What does that error mean? Can you speak for the layman?
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