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  #11 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Everyone gets error 1608 so its on Limewire's own faq.

I say Installshield's solution doesn't work for everyone, I found another solution which works for majority of apps and not saying it because Limewire installs Spyware w/o users grant.

Isn't that easy to understand? Or I should attend a language course to say "I am NOT helping spyware to spread more".

Have a nice day

Originally posted by gratis
I am still having a hard time figuring out what you are saying. You ran limewire and got a system error? What does that error mean? Can you speak for the layman?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default NO

No, you won't be able to get rid of this... What does TopMoxie does and how come you install w/o getting end users grant?

What makes you, elite coders of Java such money wanting people?

Whats the point?

BTW, I work in a media company and we are making it news soon.,
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a

No need to make Topmoxie big news. If you look out on the net, you see, it already is.
What makes the programmers money wanting people? Kids to feed and so on. Really nothing objectionable.
But I have the same opinion as Gratis. If they want to make money through ads, they should give us a form to fill and make Limewire download the appropriate ads. They should trust their customers'opinions, because it just doesn give anyone anything, to fill wrong interests in such a form.
A dangerously buggy program running all the time in background is not necessary for that. A mysterious java hack, like topmoxie, even less.

Btw I am not a native English speaker, and I didn't have any trouble understanding Unregistered's posts
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I cannot fully agree to that. If everyone exactly knew what Cydoor and Topmoxie is, it would be ok to say: Let us earn money that way or pay it to us. But the points are these:

*Cydoor: It is mentioned during setup, but:
1.) I have already told you about my cydoor experience, which involved everything up to file system errors and severe data loss. And I am by far not alone with that. A fair setup would not only talk about the intentions of a program, but also about severe side-effects due to poor coding, if they exist.
2.) Setup surely doesn´t mention, that cydoor comes from a company, that already lied to you once. I also wrote, that the bandwidth Cydoor used on my pc was FAR beyond the size of a few banners. This remains unexplained.
*Topmoxie: Leaving aside the issue of other advertising-powered companies, that work hard for -well- your money, this is screwing up the configuration of the browser. Side effects will be discovered soon, as it was the case with newdotnet.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

The problems were, when I tried Imesh, but I clearly tracked them down to cydoor, as they went away, when I deleted Cydoor with adaware. Of course I know, that many other programs use Cydoor. I am by far not the only one who experienced such problems. They seem to be independent from the software Cydoor came with. All such observations have in common, that the trouble doesn´t start immediately. At the beginning the system is completely normal, then starts slowly getting slower and less stable. For me, for example, it took several weeks, to notice, something was wrong. In all cases, the problems went away after deleting Cydoor, but some people had to reformat due to file system errors in system files.
I started monitoring bandwidth after one month or so, and I don´t know, how it behaved before. There was constant background activity around 500 bytes/sec, so, if this was software download, the software must have at least dozens of megabytes of size.

I have to admit, this was with an earlier version of Cydoor. But since they never listed a bug of this kind as fixed, I am sure it is still there.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
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Personally, I like what LimeWire is doing with TopMoxie. It is unobtrusive and doesn't serve ads. I hate cydoor; I don't trust them and think they are a pretty shady company. I would personally rather have LimeWire code there own ad system that uses a profile filled in by the users.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a


Just to remind, Opera and Cydoor TEAMED to make a XML based OPEN standard for OPT-IN based advertising.

No ever changing module names, "no run dll as service" tricks etc. Opera is CLEAN and sends only the data which user gave on his/her freewill. Be sure, if anything else happened, MS (and) Mozilla/TW Netscape would love to post the whole world. Little guy became real big player nowadays.

Even the ultra-paranoid Steve Gibson and Slashdot itself corrected theirselves calling Opera something else than Adware.

Figure that? I didn't say anything about Cydoor being. Oh, if I find it in my system, I would wipe it but you give users opt-in for that (with others except that topmoxie)... Its the key. Descriptive (even enough to bore users) windows stating what is going on, whats installed.

I mean, I tried to be helpful, you say Opera includes Cydoor. No it does not. At least its not on Spyware lists. It doesn't do anything secret, you give the exact info to it, like e.g. while you subscribe to Yahoo, even less!

Seems they didn't go chapter 11 so that scheme works I guess :-)

About Topmoxie not displaying popups (yes, you are right) what does it do than? How they make money? What do they collect?... Isn't my business anymore, I got rid of it, tried to alert users I know.

Have a nice day

Originally posted by afisk
Thanks for everyone's comments. Just to make sure everyone is clear, TopMoxie does not make any ads appear anywhere on your computer. In fact, this is one of the reasons why we prefer it to programs like Gator, SaveNow, TopText, etc (the type of program that almost all other major file sharing applications install). All of these programs popup ads on your system at some. TopMoxie does not.

Thanks to all of the international contributors on this thread -- it's very hard to talk about technical issues in a second or third language. Just briefly covering some of the other points brought up, LimeWire actually uses Cydoor right now just as Opera does. What it really comes down to is that most free programs are implicated in bundling software somewhere down the line because we all need some form of revenue.

I guess I don't have much more to add beyond that basic point. There's always the option to buy LimeWire Pro!

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

To make it clear once more , Opera DOESN'T come with Cydoor, it USES open, XML based, documented technology joint created with Opera software and Cydoor.

Full details explained there: , I was talking about that thing... Like a user speaking on this forum. People trusts you. I would happily give my profile to you if you described how data would be used etc. Figure on that page, Opera says "all Opera code is developed, compiled in Opera software", you can guess the reason, people REALLY suspect Cydoor.

IMHO, if the advertising companies weren't so "rude" before, we wouldn't be using the word "spyware" now. Just an opinion though.

About others? Yea, all of them. Also I must admit, Limewire has been much more kind company compared to others.

Ilgaz Öcal
an Opera user

Originally posted by afisk
Have you had problems specifically with the LimeWire Cydoor installer? If you have, we'd would look into it straight away. We have not heard any reports of our Cydoor installer causing any issues. Everyone realizes that Cydoor is also bundled with Opera, Kazaa, IMesh, etc. right? I just want to make sure you don't think it's just LimeWire.

As far as the bandwidth usage, we only install the stub installer when we install Cydoor -- the Cydoor installer then dynamically downloads the program in the background. This is all so that we don't use our bandwidth for its install. Could this be what you were seeing?

On your earlier point about advertising, we could (in theory) do that with the Cydoor ads. They would actually pay us a lot to get that kind of information. The trouble is, I think they basically just sell it and don't really give you any more customized ads.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

okay... so what will happen if i delete the cydoor.exe and all reg. entries... will LW still run..... ?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old March 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a

For anyone worried about cydoor and top moxie being installed with the free version of limewire go <a href=""> here </a> and install adaware... gets rid of all the scumware that comes with LW. LW still works after spyware is removed.... or you can manually delete everything by going <a href=""> here </a>
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