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babybutterfly September 29th, 2008 11:44 AM

Help: How to burn videos?
On advice i downloaded the vlc player and am able to watch movies i've downloaded on my computer. I want to burn them, but don't know how!!! Someone please help, what am i doing wrong???//

Lord of the Rings September 29th, 2008 12:21 PM

Take a look at this section: Tips & Tricks - Gnutella Forums as this is where most discussion about how to burn music and video happens. :)

Blackhorse 70V September 29th, 2008 12:38 PM

Glad VLC worked for you.

To burn movies onto disk you'll need a burner, such as Nero. There are quite a few others, some are free at where you got VLC.

You can burn DVDs or video CDs that play in most newer DVD players. CDs are limited to 1 hour, so most movies take two CDs (after splitting in half with something like AVI Splitter).

There are mixed reviews re Nero. I use it without any problem, though most of my output is video CDs (which give me a better full-screen replay than I can get from DVDs that were ripped to 700 -800 MB; whereas DVDs ripped to around 1 GB should give a fine result when re-burned back to DVD). More on Nero, et al. at
Making a DVD Video using Nero 7 Premium

Of course, you can search LW for any programs mentioned, but be careful. I had to try a few different downloads before I found one that would properly install (and each time, I was also taking a risk of being infected). Better to start with the freebies at nsa******.com or

babybutterfly September 29th, 2008 02:05 PM

i have a burner but it was installed by dell b4 shipping out the comp 2 me. think it will work??

Blackhorse 70V September 29th, 2008 02:39 PM

Apparently Dell thinks it will work. Probably won't hurt to try it.

Lord of the Rings September 29th, 2008 02:40 PM

Probably, but you will need a reasonable burner program to convert the video & burn it. ;) Also, when burning to either CD or DVD disks, it's best to burn at minimum speed possible, and choosing 'good' quality disks. A total waste of money buying some very cheap disks made in Taiwan or China. Choose a well known brand & a good model of CD or DVD disks. (Cheap disks result in a range of problems such as: burn failures, small lifespan after burning before quality or ability to play reduces dramatically like a fruit going bad, or poor quality and inconsistent play back ... some players will not play some cheap disks, etc.)

See Blackhorse 70V's links or suggestions about where to get good burner software programs. ;)

cootmaster September 29th, 2008 02:47 PM

ive boughten TDK CDRs in 02
all worked this year i bought some TDK from radio shack 60% never loaded in my stereo i switched to SONY from walmart ALL run fine
so im guessing the TDK in 02 was good and these weren't or TDK from radio shack is junk

Blackhorse 70V September 29th, 2008 03:21 PM

My friend recorded hundreds of movies before he went overseas for a year. He strongly discourages using cheap brands of disks due to their high rate of failure. He also suggested recording DVDs at half their max speed (a 16X max disk should record very well at 8X).

My best friend is a microelectronics tech. who applied to Radio Shack for an advertised part-time temp job at Christmas. Radio Shack said that he knew too much about electronics for their purposes. And when he was a field supervisor for our local cable company, he spent much of his time disconnecting Radio Shack connectors, splitters, and other equipment that was leaking too much RF or otherwise disrupting cable service. My own experience with that company, the K-Mart of high-end electronics, has been similarly rewarding. I guess the Chinese manufacturers had to learn from somebody.

cootmaster September 29th, 2008 03:25 PM

radio shlock yiddish -cheap infirior goods
shlŏk) Pronunciation Key
n. Something, such as merchandise or literature, that is inferior or shoddy.

adj. Of inferior quality; cheap or shoddy.

babybutterfly October 1st, 2008 08:25 PM

Thanx 4 all ur help. Yeah the discs I bought from Walmart aren't reading at all. Memorex guess it ain't one of the better brands. I think i'll go back and return them.

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