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I_AM_WEASEL_4 October 10th, 2008 06:35 PM

lime wire not installed (but keeps on giving startup error)
hi my name is weasel and i haveing a problem. lime wire ver. 4.18.6 the pre pro ver. is trying to load all the time with out me clicking on anything. even while i was useing it! it would reload it self and start again. so i decided to un install it and redownload the program. my computer tells me that its not there. and still it is trying to load itself over and over. i have tryed to redownload like the messege told me but it still does it. ( message says: One or more necessy files appear to be invalid. this is generally caused by corrupted install.please try downloading and install limewireagain. limewire ver 4.18.8 java ver 1.6_07 from sun microsystem inc. win xp v 5.1 on x86
com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUILLoader$startupFaile d
and it goes on.....
how do i fix it?

Remoc October 11th, 2008 01:46 AM

Hi Weasel,

Sounds like you may be Infected. Try one or both of these.

AVG(free) might be able to fix it. Be sure to update it before you scan your computer: AVG Free Advisor: AVG Anti-Virus Free, then follow the prompts.
Once AVG has fixed the Problem you can delete it if you want to.
Hope this Helps.

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I_AM_WEASEL_4 October 11th, 2008 07:10 AM

ok downloaded the program and still haveing trouble. i also have stopsign and still haveing the prob. i have tryed redownloading limewire and it still pops up and trys to run by it self. also it wont let me into the options menu to change the settings..... what should i do

Remoc October 11th, 2008 07:46 AM

Which program did you try???

I_AM_WEASEL_4 October 11th, 2008 12:02 PM

prob. found
ok well i decided to look around my c: drive and found hidden lime wire file so i deleted it and the prob seems to have gone away..:yahoo:... but hay thanx for your help.:xeri_ok1ani::idea:

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