March 7th, 2002
How to get BETTER SEARCH RESULTS with Limewire First, before you perform a search you should make sure that you have a full and stable connection to the gnutella network. Check your Connections window (you need to check the box under the View menu) and make sure that you have 3 connections to 3 Ultrapeers. The higher the "Messages (I/O)" numbers are for the Ultrapeer, the more likely it's a stable Ultrapeer.
If this is too hard for you to do, then I suggest you let Limewire run for about 5 minutes before you perform any searches, the connections should automatically stabalize on their own.
Secondly, if you want to get the most search results possible, and are simply comparing the number of search results of Limewire with other Gnutella clients, then I recommend you make the following changes. Under TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> SEARCHING -> QUALITY click on "Show all Qualities" and under TOOLS -> OPTIONS-> SEARCHING -> SPEED click on "Show all Speeds". Limewire automatically hides search results which are labeled as not having a good success rate. Doing this will make Limewire show ALL search results. But keep in mind, by doing this, you are lowering your chance of a fast and successful download. It is NOT uncommon to see a lot of failed, incomplete, or slow downloads if you make the changes above.
Lastly, if you have still not gotten the desired results, simply try again. Right click on your search tab (Right above the results window) and select "Repeat search".
I hope that clears things up for everyone. |