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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 16th, 2009
Join Date: February 16th, 2009
Posts: 1
nick.lee is flying high
Question My name is Nick and I need some help (general LW questions)

hi... i scrubbed this list of help items after signing up and browsing some topics.. there is still alot i dont understand.. cuz im new and hope someone might clarify things.

Hi. I need some help with a lot of questions I have about limewire. I tried perusing to find some answers but am easily confused due to my adult adhd. It really is a disease! J
I am using dsl to connect to limewire pro 4.18. I have Norton and webroot anit-virus, anit-spyware.
If anyone would be so kind to assist me, I really appreciate it. I’m new to this and don’t quite understand.
?Is it possible that there is interference between upload/download between utorrent and limewire when I run them both simultaneously?
What does bandwidth do in regards to setting it at 100% or lower? Is there an optimum setting?
Is it true the more files I share in limewire, the more access to files I will have from other users?
How do I make more files available to people?
My lime will say not responding in the top bar of the window but files will still be downloading, why?
Always always always.. needs more sources! Where do I get them? I have changed my filter criteria to no avail.
In my saved files in my library, sometime something will get through that has no preview, flashes all over the bottom of the playlist, and when I try to delete it say unable to delete because it is in use. This is a nuisance. I can only delete it after rebooting. What is it and how to I get rid of that happening?
Again, I would really appreciate help in my many questions. I’d be happy to exchange information on dental hygiene, applying a tourniquet, or small boat handling, or jokes you should never tell complete strangers, if your interested.
I am not completely useless at my computer, I’m pretty good at msn spades and backgammon.. J
Please assist… Please!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 17th, 2009
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Hi Nick,

If you're running both LW & uTorrent then you'll be sharing your bandwidth between the two - so your downloads & uploads won't be as fast as they could be if you were running just one app at a time. I don't run the 2 together. If you desperately want to run both at once, make sure that their ports are different numbers. But be prepared to see slow speeds.

Check out this thread (the first few posts by murasame) for tips about how to configure your bandwidth & other settings: A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...

There's an option within LW 4 where you can choose not to share with people if they're sharing less than a certain number of files. To be honest, I don't know if this feature has ever worked properly. I've browsed people uploading from me who were sharing only a couple of files - and at the time I had my LW set to share with people who were sharing more than 10 files.
Sharing files can make a difference to how successfully you can download, but I don't think the number of shares makes much difference.

If you want to make more files available to people, check out this link: How to Share Folders (click on link)

If LW's not responding on your computer but is still open (ie it hasn't shut down), the connection to the person that you're downloading a file from can remain. So the download can continue. I don't know anything about LW's behaviour when it's deemed not responding, so I don't know how long it would take for a download to fizzle out... somebody else here might know.

Files that always need more sources are likely fake files. Check out the links below for info about these.
Fake files showing up in search results
How to use Bitzi
Virus thread: Typical virus spam file sizes - Make a note of them (click on blue link to see)
How to find music(tips for movies, too)

For files that are hard to delete, check out the thread below.

Don't forget to use the forum search (button at the top of the page between 'New Posts' & 'Quick Links'). Most info that you need can be found using a search
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2009
Join Date: January 22nd, 2008
Posts: 3
elvis 2000 is flying high

Yeah running two programs of this sort will not only make each run very slow, it'll slow down your whole computer.

On an other point, it may be me personally but I hated Norton when I had it, it behaved like spyware some times. And if you un-instal it, it's still there on the hard drive like a dead body no one wants hanging around

I now use Avast!, on it's own. It'svery good, is constanly up dated for new viruses, doesnt slow anything down AND it FREE!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 2nd, 2009
Join Date: September 2nd, 2009
Posts: 1
kodempak is flying high

you can use ccleaner to eliminate any thing from your pc. it is free. you can clean pc from internet waste, repair regstry problems with out limit. uninstall any program from pc. can delete entries that are still remain in pc. best wishes
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 2nd, 2009
Join Date: January 22nd, 2008
Posts: 3
elvis 2000 is flying high

I have CCleaner and good it is to, also BeClean (another freebee) which I leave on my desktop for quick cleaning (3 seconds or so), then there's the mighty TuneUp Utilites, but that is for many other things aswell.

But even these dont completely clear the Norton stuff, you need a thing called the Norton Removal Machine, that works, even if does sound like the title of a hard rock song (by the Cult?)

Still. I swear by Avast! for Internet protection, it even talks!!!!!!!!!!

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