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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2009
Join Date: June 4th, 2009
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leanback69 is flying high

yehh i think he has but the thing i dont get is why n dubz works fine, is it because the ink of manufactured cd's are better which means if the cd player does warm up it stills work, because i bought heid kandi or whatever it is which a dance cd and that doesnt work, but i bought bonkers dance album which works fine, all this is blagging me lol
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2009
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AFAIK Commercial CD's are pressed, whereas CD-R's are as suggested, use an ink; they are both made differently. Thus commercial CD's are much stronger & durable. And you also need to be very careful when cleaning CD-R's with CD cleaning fluid, something I am very reluctant to do unless I really need to.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2009
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LOTR has it correct...true commercial CDs/DVDs are pressed and are very durable when compared to anything burned...sure, they will degrade over time and can be affected by heat, but not nearly to the extent that burned media is...

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2009
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leanback69 is flying high

ok cheers guys, ive hucked up an ipod through the fm radio but when i turn it up its a bit hissy? i think thats the correct word to use, anything i can do?? as im not sure what to do about the cd player as there any other method i could play cd's, like a cable to connect the cd player to the boot? i dont know if theres such things im just blowing a few ideas and see if any1 knows? thanks every1 for your help
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old June 24th, 2009
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hotilmer is flying high

Originally Posted by leanback69 View Post
ok cheers guys, ive hucked up an ipod through the fm radio but when i turn it up its a bit hissy? i think thats the correct word to use, anything i can do?? as im not sure what to do about the cd player as there any other method i could play cd's, like a cable to connect the cd player to the boot? i dont know if theres such things im just blowing a few ideas and see if any1 knows? thanks every1 for your help

the FM transmiters ...they work .. but as you say there is background noice ... keeping your output volume down / try a difrent FM frequency
my reason for not using mine in the car is purly the noice interference
just not worth it .... but i still use it to watch comedy on my mini laptop
on long drives

depending on your model of car stereo you can on conect eather directly with cabels from your ipod .. to your car stereo front / Back AMP input

or you can add a amp and conect through that .. no noice except for you choice of music

( i dont use IPOD myself so i dont know what cabels you have avalible for conection )

i have a sony MP3 30 gb with a normal 3 mm jack plug easy conection to any thing as its all standard

good luck
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old June 24th, 2009
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Originally Posted by leanback69 View Post
... im not sure what to do about the cd player as there any other method i could play cd's, like a cable to connect the cd player to the boot?
I have seen people set up their CD players in different locations. Even the glove box. lol Or between the driver & passenger seats. Depends on type of car-seating I guess. Glove box would make it difficult to reach from driver's seat & would mean restricted space for other items. Other possible location, under the dashboard on driver's side to the side of steering wheel. BTW could be worth the experiment to simply connect the CD player whilst car engine is not running. See if same problems with CD-R's you haven't tried yet. (Though first back up the CD's on your computer just in case.)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2009
Join Date: June 4th, 2009
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leanback69 is flying high

thanks for your replies people , if you use a cable jack directly from the cd player will it not make a fussy noise?, haha i couldnt see myself trryin to reach the volume button from my glove compartment would be a bit awkard, maybe be better if i always have a passenger in the car then im sorted :P
it is very wierd though because when i make the cd when the car engines not on, sometimes the cd works like 1/10 but when the car engines on it works now and then but skips parts of the songs like it plays for 10 secs then skips it is a very wierd setup, and very puzzled about what to do, appreciate the replies especially to lord of the rings
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2009
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In that case sounds iike the problem is your cd player. I was aware of people even several years ago playing all types of media in their car. Be it CD-R, or DVD-R/RW-audio (mp3/...) etc.

The older models or designs will be highly limited to their abilities. Especially if it is a 'brand' name. I say that because 'brand' versions tend to offer different versions/models .. with varying ability to what they can play.

I found that out with DVD players first. A reasonably cheap dvd player could play everything, dvd-rw's of all media types .. picture dvd's, SVCD's, audio dvd's, divx dvd's, etc. Where as you needed to pay four times as much for the 'brand' name to do the same but even then still limited. That's called 'Marketing'!

The person I was aware of with a very variable ability car player used Pioneer from memory. Likewise I have always preferred using Pioneer dvd burners. BTW Pioneer were the original owners of the DVD burner technology ... feel free to look it up. Some years back it cost $5-10 K per Pioneer burner. Now they cost .. as much as a handful of big macs lmao

But Pioneer dvd burners do tend to prefer particular brand storage medias for burning cds/dvds as I've noticed from reading tests done on each model over the years (& personal tests on various brands). Their performance on certain brand dvd's/cd's are considerably better than others.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; June 25th, 2009 at 03:55 PM.
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