March 19th, 2002
Apprentice | | Join Date: March 14th, 2002 Location: Tempe, AZ
Posts: 5
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File Size = file run time?? I was wondering if there is a "rule of thumb" when looking at the file size for mp3, mpeg, avi, asf, etc., and the play time length of the file.
For example, if a search for anything.avi produces 20 results from different users, and I know that "anything".avi should have a duration of about 20 minutes, can I look at the file sizes to determine which one is probably complete?
I am thinking that I can't and that the file size is determined by the source used to encode the file in the first place. The reason I think this is that I have downloaded things that should run approx 20 minutes with an mpeg size of about 45-50,000kb. However at times, I will see files that are approx. 200-250,000kb for an mpeg file that should have the same duration (20 minutes).
If what I am thinking is right, is there anyway to tell whether or not a file is a complete file before downloading?
I have tried sending a message in chat to users on the other end, but I have NEVER received a response. Actually, it has got me wondering whether chat even works.
Also, I am noticing after reading other threads that there is a somewhat "exclusive" community goin on here...hehe. How can I get in touch with some people to see if I can't build my movie library a little? I also caught one thread that said something about sharing and/or lack of. Just to let ya know, I have been sharing all files I have since I started using Limewire...over 400 right now...unfortunately they are all mp3's, save a few.
Anyways, thanks for all your help
PS>>>>TruStarWarrior.....Gotsta thank ya. I have been trying to figure out how to play those avi files for at least two weeks now. Checked out the FAQ's you hooked up, found what I needed at DivX. Thanks a lot.....Oh yeah, I am assuming you are going to read this thread, thats why I didn't just do up a new one |