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YouShareAndIWillToo4 July 25th, 2010 07:39 AM

LW Chat....I can't get in to it.............
i'm using lw 5.5.8. this was an upgrade i rec'd fm the version i used several yrs ago = within which i could chat with online peers.

is the 'live journal' option the equiv of the old chat during ul/dl functions? if so, i can't get on it and have found no place in the faq' al....where i can get into 5.5.8's version of the chat process. ?? anyone out there have any ideas ?? :dance: thanx! dave

Lord of the Rings July 25th, 2010 08:30 AM

To be honest I've never used the Chat option in LW 5, which is accessible via the Friends tool. So unlike LW 4 where you could attempt to chat with anybody who had chat enabled, with LW 5 it is restricted to those in your Friends list.

Hopefully this guide will help Friends - LimeWire :)

YouShareAndIWillToo4 July 25th, 2010 08:58 AM

:shoot: thanx, lord...........have tried to sign intothe 'friends' 'jabber' deal .... keep getting error msgs. this last time offered only 1 (instead of all 3) err msg = asking .. (well, which domain is the entry screen asking 4?)

incidentally, i plugged in the same username-p/w as i did on a link named at ' did not get instant 'network error' msg...........did attempt the sign on process for about 30 seconds, then disallowed entry with that same 'network error' msg. ?? anyone have any ideas how to access the LW jabber chat room at this point ?? Thanx! Dave

Lord of the Rings July 25th, 2010 10:09 AM

Did you try Welcome to JWChat
I have not even tried the friends option. Someone else might be able to help in this regard. :)

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