March 25th, 2002
WARNING! TopMoxie I downloaded the new version of LimeWire the other day to replace my older copy. Here, and elsewhere (Morpheus), I have been following the discussion about spyware. And scumware which is what I consider the crap that has now found a home inside my computer.
Using Adaware and just plain old fashioned deleting I thought I had removed all the cydoor and topmoxie applications. Not quite. Upon starting my computer today I got an instant error message before Windows would open concerning the absence of a C\programs\adware(?) file that topmoxie had installed. Sure, I deleted the file yesterday along with everything else I could find with either of these two programs.
A search under the Microsoft System Information application into my Start Up programs finds a file called E Traffic stuck in my registry that is suppose to begin a program named C:\program files\topmoxie\JavaR... And that topmoxie file is gone.
I am not a computer geek and have no idea whatsoever how to twick my registry. Adaware does not show this trojan gift either. Whatever. Now I get to see an error message every time I start up or download the spyware/scumware proframs all over and then worry about what else they are doing to my property.
I fully understand Limeware's need for revenue. Life is not free. However, installing something without permission or a full explanation deep within a person's computer is akin to theft and/or malicious behavior. No one would smile if they found out that their local serviceman had stuck something inside their car or washer or stereo that took on a life of its own and could not be removed without difficulty or harming the original product.
This activity is going to result in a lot of bad publicity and attention once more and more users are aware of what is happening to their computers. Especially when they find out that these viruses are consuming space, slowing ones speed down, compiling personal information, and who knows what else. Limewire has made a serious mistake associating with this kind of behavior. |