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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 25th, 2010
Join Date: October 25th, 2010
Posts: 15
imagejunkie is flying high
Default How to jumpstart an incomplete download?

I will often find a file in a search that matches an incomplete download I had from a prior session... but that prior download shows as x%-stalled.... even though I am looking at the file newly searched, and it has the blue (downloading) arrow next to it, my download does not resume. When I do a "fix stalled" click, it still shows as stalled. Is there anything left to do?

If I click on the blue arrow, it will highlight the file in my downloads window, but not jumpstart the download. In prior versions of limewire, if I deleted my download, and clicked the file in the search window, it would actually pick up at the %downloaded where it was, and resume... but not in this latest version, where it deletes it from the incomplete folder and starts all over again.

Thanks for any helpful hints.


Limewire 5.5.16 pro
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 26th, 2010
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Yes, deleting the download in LW 5 will delete the incomplete file also & remove it from the download preferences. LW 5 does have less options than LW 4 did such as pausing, etc.

Sounds like the file you found in search results does not have 100% identical download hash & may be the same song or video but different conversion file if you know what I mean, not 100% identical. Else, the one in search results, that person's upload slots or bandwidth are full.

Might be worth increasing your download slots in LW's settings. ie: LW's menu bar, Tools -> Options -> Transfers, up & down settings.

The Fix Stalled / Try Again, options have limited abilities. A manual search is usually far more effective.

Searching for more sources as you have been doing is a very good idea. Searching as you did originally to find the file will hopefully find more sources & hopefully the identical file, not simply one with same name. Longer you leave LW on usually the better it behaves. So keep using that process of searching every now & again. People log on or off from LW all the time. Also your LW will change ultrapeers now & again so different results can be found due to the newer ultrapeer being connected to a different collection of peers & thus searches may branch out in other directions of the overall network.

Oh just noticed you are a pro user, that in itself should help for the outer searches, especially rarer material.
Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Performance, hopefully none of those options are disabled, especially the OOB one.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 26th, 2010
Join Date: October 25th, 2010
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imagejunkie is flying high

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Yes, deleting the download in LW 5 will delete the incomplete file also & remove it from the download preferences.
and overall I like that better, because I learned the hard way that prior versions left the incomplete file on your hard drive, and slowly I filled mine up with invisible files...

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
LW 5 does have less options than LW 4 did such as pausing, etc.

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Sounds like the file you found in search results does not have 100% identical download hash & may be the same song or video but different conversion file if you know what I mean, not 100% identical.
So even though you get the blue arrow, LW doesn't resume the file because it doesn't see it as the same file? - that seems like a bug in the program... The blue arrow keeps me from downloading the new version... which I could do in addition to keeping the original one, and let them race to the finish, then delete the incomplete loser. That would be much preferable application behavior.

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Else, the one in search results, that person's upload slots or bandwidth are full.
Good to know that that is how it works... so if the file is visible in a search, and still shows as "stalled"... it can just be that the cue is so long that you are not on the waiting list? Are you still in line, but just not shown as waiting, or will you need to "fix stalled" in order to check for a spot on the wait list?

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Might be worth increasing your download slots in LW's settings. ie: LW's menu bar, Tools -> Options -> Transfers, up & down settings.

The Fix Stalled / Try Again, options have limited abilities. A manual search is usually far more effective.
I'm not understanding that... you mean using the "search again" function?...I don't think I have EVER had that turn up the file again.... was thinking it was useless at this point.

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Searching for more sources as you have been doing is a very good idea. Searching as you did originally to find the file will hopefully find more sources & hopefully the identical file, not simply one with same name. Longer you leave LW on usually the better it behaves. So keep using that process of searching every now & again. People log on or off from LW all the time. Also your LW will change ultrapeers now & again so different results can be found due to the newer ultrapeer being connected to a different collection of peers & thus searches may branch out in other directions of the overall network.
Is there a description of the "ultrapeer" system on this site?.. I'd like to understand that.

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Oh just noticed you are a pro user, that in itself should help for the outer searches, especially rarer material.
Yeah... and not sure if its significant for LW functionality, but I'm also a Mac user - now on a new intel system.

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Performance, hopefully none of those options are disabled, especially the OOB one.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 26th, 2010
Join Date: October 25th, 2010
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imagejunkie is flying high

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Performance, hopefully none of those options are disabled, especially the OOB one.
In my version - the performance is in prefs/advanced/preformance - none of those options are currently disabled.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 26th, 2010
Join Date: October 25th, 2010
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imagejunkie is flying high

ANd THANKS for the feedback Lord of the Rings!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 26th, 2010
Join Date: October 25th, 2010
Posts: 15
imagejunkie is flying high

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Might be worth increasing your download slots in LW's settings. ie: LW's menu bar, Tools -> Options -> Transfers, up & down settings.
If a file shows as waiting... is that taking up a download slot? Is it a problem to have too many files in your downloads list, even if they are stalled?... I currently have 75... many of which have been inactive for several weeks, but I hate to give up files with a significant % complete.
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Thread How to jumpstart an incomplete download? | Gnutella Forums | BoardReader This thread Refback February 26th, 2012 06:54 AM
Thread Can I resume an incomplete download? | EA Forums | BoardReader This thread Refback July 19th, 2011 02:39 PM

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