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ilanakrauss March 27th, 2002 10:21 AM

incomplete download
How can I continue to download (from that point on) once the file has stopped to download almost in the end due to a Server problem, and it was moved to the library - incomplete folder? Was'nt it supposed to stay at the download point? How to continue?


Louis March 27th, 2002 11:28 AM

Resume Download
What version of BearShare are you running?

I am assuming that you received 99% of the file, then it failed?

Are you able to play the file in a Media Player?


ilanakrauss March 27th, 2002 12:47 PM

Not Really... we are talking about **********.. I have 155.000+ and the file size is 200.000...
How to move it (if possible) back to the download section?

Louis March 27th, 2002 12:57 PM

What version of BearShare are you using 2.5.0?


ilanakrauss March 27th, 2002 02:15 PM

I am using LimeWire, downloaded in Jan,2002 - I could not find the info, but I know is the one before 2.3.1 - Mac OSX


zeroshadow March 27th, 2002 02:34 PM

:D Dude, this is the BearShare forum.

ilanakrauss March 28th, 2002 01:00 AM

Sorry about that... I entered the gnutellium... didn't notice it was not about gnutella transfers... I will try again somewere else...


Unregistered April 15th, 2002 07:02 PM

It might look like the BearShare forum to you, but to me here it says "Gnutella Forums > Current Gnutella Client Forums > LimeWire (Cross-platform) > Download/Upload Problems > incomplete download". Which is just what I expected

irregularjoe April 15th, 2002 07:07 PM

Someones really has their signals ccrossed. This is Limewire!

ilanakrauss April 16th, 2002 02:02 AM

I am glad to hear that I am not totally this IS about Limewire!
Thank you, guys!
Still, an someone help me to move an incomple file back to the download area, and restart from that point on?

Thanks again!


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