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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2010
Join Date: November 3rd, 2010
Posts: 2
iatethekittens is flying high
Default so thats it limewire? your just gonna **** us?

I found out limewire has been shut down. So thats it? after years of loyal service your just gonna **** us and leave us without the ability to download music? Thats not cool at all. You couldnt even give us a good alternative? You guys must have known about the shut down why didnt you do anything about it? Why didnt you take care of us boys and girls? Limewire I love you, but you suck.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2010
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Originally Posted by iatethekittens View Post
I found out limewire has been shut down. So thats it? after years of loyal service your just gonna **** us and leave us without the ability to download music? Thats not cool at all. You couldnt even give us a good alternative? You guys must have known about the shut down why didnt you do anything about it? Why didnt you take care of us boys and girls? Limewire I love you, but you suck.
Nobody here works for LW.

If you'd bothered to search the forum, you would have found that older LW versions are working just fine.

Try reading this: DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!

And your other brilliant thread has been moved to the BearShare section... if you bother to have a look through that section, you'll see that there are also working versions of BS which pre-date iMesh taking over.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2010
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A court injunction is preventing LW distributing their software. The company itself is still afloat. Last i read is the company wishes to work with the RIAA to stay alive. But, that sounds like this The Story: Shareaza, iMesh, RIAA, and Recent Events . LW 5.5.10 & earlier work fine, as do the LW 5.6 betas.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2010
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough

You know guys

I doubt if Kitten Eater will be back to read your replies, so why bother?

UK Bob
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2010
Join Date: September 8th, 2008
Location: Oregon
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Oapiti is flying high

Here's the thing though... when I try to open Limewire I get that notice about them being sued. Then it says 'there's a new update to download, click yes or no'. If I click yes, it starts to download then nothing, if I click No it does nothing. The Limewire that used to open up, just won't open anymore. So what's up with that? Should I uninstall Limewire and install an older version? Some of us love using the program and all but aren't as clear about how to do things as you might be, so we kind of get upset. Any basic instructions would be greatly appreciated by me, Thanks for everything !! Oapiti(Mary Miller)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2010
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Wrong version! Do not use any version above LW 5.5.10. All later versions have auto-update function built into the program. See Birdy's link above.

As for the legal notice, it's an attempt to scare users away. If you feel scared then fair enough. Good advice though is just to thumb your nose at them by using LW 5.5.10 or earlier, just ignore the legal notice. The legal notice will vanish as soon as you either do a search for files or click on My Files tab.

File_Girl71 has provided a special program to help you connect. Run it whilst LW is closed. LW must be closed when you run the Fix program. It cannot be any more simple. All will be dandy then & back to usual for you.
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