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Other LimeWire clone versions Help for any other client that was based off LimeWire's design. A few examples: 360Share, Addax, Acqlite, Acquisition, Bearshare Turbo, BitRope P2P, Cabos, CitrixWire, DexterWire, Emerald P2P UltraPeer, GnutellaWire, KoolWire, LemonWire, LimeRunner, LimeShare Pro, LimeWire MP3, LimeWire Music, LimeWire Turbo, LimeZilla, LuckyWire, MP3 Rocket, MP3 Torpedo, MP3Suite, MP3treat, Sharest, ShareWire, ShareZilla, TurboWire, WinMX Music, WireStack, etc. See your program?

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2013
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Default Connection Fixes for various Clients including Cabos, Acqlite, and all the LimeWire clones

With exception of Cabos, Acqlite and Acquisition, users of all the LW clone versions should see if the connection installer for your program does not fix your problem. Simply swap the name of LimeWire for your own program in all references to LimeWire. In case you did not know, all clone versions are almost identical to LimeWire version 3 or 4. However, LuckyWire users should reference the LW 5 connection help.

Note: a few of the clone programs are hyper-sensitive to firewall and router NAT detection and may have more problems connecting than even the original LW 4. Best answer is to port forward for both TCP and UDP the port the program is using or add a fresh port perhaps between 20000 and 59000. Setting up Port Trigger is another option. is best place to find instructions for your specific modem-router brand and model.

Also keep in mind some of the clones can be very slow to connect by their very nature. Up to 20 or 50 minutes for full connection on occasions. This is not the case for the more modern clients such as Cabos and Acqlite.

Although many/most of the LW 4 clones have GWC support, almost all of them use built-in lists of totally out of date and no longer existing GWC's and UHC's. My attempt at updating the list resulted in the program over-writing my list with the out-of-date list. Not sure this applies to all LW4-clones but certainly a handful I tried this experiment with. Poor design by the devs; the programs should be able to share newly found and working GWC's between them. A concept and technology that's been around and used since at least mid last decade.

* Important note for MacOSX users: Cabos for OSX appears to be a 32-bit only app and does not work with OSX 10.7 or later (though Cabos 0.7 can run on OSX 10.6.) Use Acqlite instead; it is a universal 32/64-bit app. Acqlite is a smoother and neater looking program and has a couple of extra tools. The open source Acqlite was originally designed as a cross between Cabos and the commercially sold Acquisition.
Cabos on MacOSX is broken either due to being (i) 32-bit only (true) or (ii) containing remnants of the obsolete Carbon (Classic) support (true for Cabos 0.8) which OSX no longer supports and (iii) the cabos inbuilt osx utilities using redundant outdated approach for reading osx version:
Connection Fixes for various Clients including Cabos, Acqlite, and all the LimeWire clones-cabos-osx-broken.png (Cabos does not identify as being compatible for Mac OSX 10.7 or later. ~ From vague memory Cabos 0.8 stopped running after installing 10.6 snow leopard (I've since confirmed this.) Use Acqlite instead, it's almost identical to Cabos and was the developer's personal pet project. I personally give Acqlite the thumbs up!)

Connection fix (Windows users)

If you are using Cabos, find a ConnectFix installer SaberCat or via Mediafire. Due to the destination of the hostiles file you might be asked for administrator permission to install.

(The Cabos/Acqlite connection installer also includes an updated hostiles file, always at least as up-to-date as the date of the installer and often updated again weeks later but with same installer date. This hostiles will replace the older hostiles file from back in 2008/2009 that does not incorporate the latest hostile threats and some removed ranges that are no longer a threat.)

Cabos 0.7 & 0.8 have TLS disabled by default due to a buggy version of TLS in the same way TLS was buggy for LimeWire (from LW 4.12 to 4.16) until the LW 4.17 beta release. Do not enable TLS for either Cabos or Acqlite in settings! Otherwise whilst you might maintain a single connection, the other connections will disconnect within 10 to 30 seconds. This tends to be the case over a reasonable period of time.

As of late July 2023, all Connection installers are now online installers in the respect they download up-to-date host connection data via the internet. (Updates to the list should be at least once an hour.) For this reason you can keep the installer in case you need to use it again. Ensure the program you are installing for is CLOSED and not sitting in the Tray before using the installer. Any problems with any installers please contact us to let us know.

If you are instead using either: 360Share, . Addax, . Bearshare Turbo, . BitRope P2P, . CitrixWire, . DexterWire, . Emerald P2P UltraPeer, . GnutellaWire, . KoolWire, . LemonWire, . LimeRunner, . LimeShare Pro, . LimeWire MP3, . LimeWire Music, . LimeWire Turbo, . LimeZilla, . LuckyWire, . MP3 Rocket (pre-2011 versions; probably 5.4 being last version for gnutella), . MP3 Torpedo, . MP3Suite, . MP3treat, . Sharest, . ShareWire, . ShareZilla, . TurboWire, . WinMX Music, or . WireStack then find a LimeWire Multi-CLONE ConnectFix here or at the first link shown above.

1. Download the ConnectFix installer for your program.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Make sure the program you are installing it for is closed and not sitting in the tray.
4. Open the ConnectFix installer and follow the instructions. Choose your program carefully from the list. In the case of the LimeWire Multi-CLONE ConnectFix, it is a long list in english alphabetical order.
5. After installation is finished, open the program you installed it for. Wait several minutes for it to connect.
6. If your program does not connect after 30 minutes, then close the program and wait one minute, then open again. It should connect upon this second opening. If still no connection, repeat process.
7. If all the above fails, then see advice given here
8. If still no success, then create a new thread in this section with your system details and hopefully someone can assist you.

If the installer does not work as intended for any particular program, please let us know so we can rectify it. Such problem might be not installing into correct location. From memory I tested installing for all the above but perhaps I might have missed one.

Edit: 22 January 2013, added 'LimeWire MP3' to the list.

* Make sure you have given the program an exception in your firewall: except change the name from LimeWire to the one you are using. The default port is usually 6346.

Connection fix (MacOSX users)

First see MacOS security - Using legacy apps on Mac OS. The connection installer for MacOS is not developer signed or notarized (I'm not willing to pay the US$99 annual fee to code-sign a simple script-app (unless someone wishes to donate the fees. lol.))

If you are using either Cabos, Acqlite or Acquisition, find a ConnectFix installer SaberCat or via Mediafire.

The connection installer is an unsigned app, to download and use please first see MacOS security - Using legacy apps on Mac OS.

* Make sure you have given the program an exception in your firewall: & change the program's reference name to the one you are using. The default port is usually 6346.

As noted earlier, the Cabos+Acqlite+Acquisition installer will replace the original old hostiles file from 2008/2009. It is highly recommended you do this. Due to the hostiles being stored within the application package, you may require administrator permissions to install the hostiles file. Alternatively, try moving the Cabos or Acqlite program from Applications to Desktop and installing the hostiles file whilst there (the installer will find it), then returning the program back to Applications folder.
The Cabos/Acqlite hostiles is updated for public release probably between every 2 to 4 months, even if the hosted connection installer is named with a date months earlier than now.

Cabos and Acqlite both have TLS disabled by default due to their version of TLS being buggy in the same way TLS was buggy for LimeWire until the LW 4.17 beta. Do not enable TLS for either Cabos or Acqlite in settings! Otherwise whilst you might maintain a single connection, the other connections will disconnect within 10 to 80 seconds. This tends to be the case over a reasonable period of time. (Obviously the Cabos+Acqlite developer forgot to update TLS.)

Acquisition note (Oct 2021): The next connection installer release will exclude Acquisition support. The free version of Acquisition was a trial program & that use-by date passed well over 10 years ago. Extremely rare to see any Acquisition apps on network now. Use Acqlite instead, it is a much nicer looking app.

If people can tell me of other LW clones that use either Windows, MacOSX or Linux, then I will add them to the list for connection fixes. An earlier version of MP3 Rocket is the only other MacOSX program I am aware of. The LuckyWire OSX version no longer seems to be available for download.

I would also greatly appreciate any assistance with translations, so they can be accurately multi-language. First release is only in english (with exception of the MacOSX version which has partial translations.)

Recognise your program's icon? (click to see larger view) Connection Fixes for various Clients including Cabos, Acqlite, and all the LimeWire clones-lw-clones-larger.jpg
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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 3rd, 2017 at 06:50 AM. Reason: Edited to include details about Cabos/Acqlite hostiles update frequency & how to do.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 6th, 2013
Join Date: September 22nd, 2005
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fdiphill is flying high

I an running on windows 7, downloaded limewire P, java 6 and the connect fix. Still no connection. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 6th, 2013
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Originally Posted by fdiphill View Post
I an running on windows 7, downloaded limewire P, java 6 and the connect fix. Still no connection. Any suggestions are appreciated.

I presume you mean LPE. On Vista or later, it is very important to set java to run as administrator. If you search for the java.exe file and then right-click it and choose Run as Administrator. I suspect this will help greatly with your connection problem. It might sound odd, but does seem to make a huge difference in ability to connect using LW5 versions at least. Might be worth doing the same with the LW shortcut.

If that did not help, then check the options to try here
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 7th, 2013
Join Date: September 22nd, 2005
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fdiphill is flying high

Ok I closed all apps, found the java.exe and ran as admin, but still no luck then ran the connect issue link, restarted pc and still no connection. Should I try another p2p such as Frost wire...Had LM for years and tyhink it's the best out there but this is a tough one to fix.

limewire downloaded from youtube (LimeWire Pirate Edition Updated and Java Fix - YouTube) with java 6 and connect issue download as well.

Dell PC Running WIndows 7, with IE 9, Comcast as my provider.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 7th, 2013
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If you are not connecting at all, then something is most likely blocking LW from connecting. Either a firewall, security software, or your router. I do not believe Comcast block p2p. Re-check your firewall and make sure LW is listed as an exception. Check your router to be sure UPnP is enabled. If you have any other security softwares that might prevent something connecting via the internet, make sure LW is on their exception lists.

Some Windows updates can change firewall settings.

Some 3rd party firewalls now work on a different concept of 'trusted' applications. I was so frustrated with one of these I removed it and reverted to Windows firewall because it had full level 3 trusted status but was being firewalled by that firewall (I was using BearShare 5 and the program's console gave the message it had detected Zonealarm and was being partially blocked. That explains why peers kept dropping off.)

Yes you could try FW4 to see if it connects at all also. FW is based off LW4.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 28th, 2014
Join Date: June 14th, 2009
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kirkbross is flying high

My Acqulite rarely finds any networks any more and when it does, they are fleeting. I tried the fix and it doesn't seem to do anything noticeable.

It used to find 70+ networks regularly, but now I'm lucky if it's two every ten times I open the app. Oh well.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 29th, 2014
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I have LPE running in ultrapeer mode, but opened up Acqlite (hadn't opened it since 4 Jan) & it took 16 seconds to connect to first host, just a few seconds to connect to a second ultrapeer. However both dropped off after 83 seconds. I closed the program & restarted it. Connected very quickly, initially to a WireShare peer, then to 3 more: LW Music, Cabos & FW. These all stayed connected. Consistently connected to 4 ultrapeers.

Make sure Acqlite is still listed as an exception in your OSX firewall. Peers dropping off like flies sounds like a firewall issue.

I have just updated the Cabos-Acqlite connection installer again if you wish to try a fresh version of it. But, perhaps giving Acqlite a time to connect, if no connection, close it down, wait 10 seconds & try again. If that fails, try a reboot. If that fails, try a reboot of your modem/router. Keep an eye on the Network window. Acqlite only shows hosts it is connected to, not those it is trying to connect to.
Let us know how it goes.

BTW if you were connected to 70 odd hosts (probably 72), then you were running as an ultrapeer. To connect into Ultrapeer mode depends on average connection periods (average uptime.) Might also be affected by recent connection history if any exists. If your average connection period (sessions) is high & you are connected for over an hour, then a good chance you will become an ultrapeer again. Some programs keep a record of last occasion connected or as a UP. If it's too long ago, the program will not connect as a UP.

There's a myth connecting as an ultrapeer improves search results. This is only partly true. In fact, as one of the LW code contributors (& was one of 1st FW devs) pointed out several years ago, being a Leaf should result in better search results. However this can depend on the topography of whether the peers you are connected to are good & whether their neighboring ones are also good.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 29th, 2014
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hmm I'm not sure what the problem is. Twice Acqlite lost all its connections after a couple of hours or less.
DHT was working, non-firewalled.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2014
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Well, a day later I tried again. Connected as a Leaf for 6 hours np. Ignoring Idle mode, I stayed connected to 4 ultrapeers.
I was actually experimenting to see what Acqlite would do if I added extra GWC's to the connection file. Seems it did not do any harm at least. Or perhaps yesterday was just a bad day.

However today, things have gone back to worse. Either not connecting or losing connections after an hour or so. I checked the console & found these errors:
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]	[ERROR] NIODispatcher - -java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]	[ERROR] NIODispatcher - -Error in Selector! <java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair>java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]		at org.limewire.service.ErrorService$PrintStreamErrorCallback.error(
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]		at org.limewire.service.ErrorService.error(
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]		at org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.runPendingTasks(
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]		at org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process(
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]		at
[0x0-0x11e11e].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9220]		at
    "\tat org.limewire.nio.ssl.SSLReadWriteChannel$"
    "\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.runPendingTasks("
    "\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process("
    "Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
    "\tat Method)"
    "\tat org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker("
    "\tat org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$"
    "\t... 1 more"
    "Caused by: Prime size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 1024 (inclusive)"
    "\tat com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyPairGenerator.initialize(DashoA13*..)"
    "\t... 9 more"
    "java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
    "\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService$PrintStreamErrorCallback.error("
    "\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService.error("
    "\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.runPendingTasks("
    "\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process("
    "java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
    "\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService$PrintStreamErrorCallback.error("
    "\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService.error("
"Uncaught thread error: NIODispatcher"
And a restart of Acqlite with no connection, almost identical errors:
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]	[ERROR] NIODispatcher - -Error in Selector! <java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair>java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.service.ErrorService$PrintStreamErrorCallback.error(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.service.ErrorService.error(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at
"\tat org.limewire.nio.statemachine.IOStateMachine.processCurrentState("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.statemachine.IOStateMachine.handleRead("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.AbstractNBSocket.handleRead("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.processRead("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process("
"Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
"\tat Method)"
"\tat org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker("
"\tat org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$"
"\t... 1 more"
"Caused by: Prime size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 1024 (inclusive)"
"\tat com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyPairGenerator.initialize(DashoA13*..)"
"\t... 9 more"
"Unhandled exception while dispatching"
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
"\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService$PrintStreamErrorCallback.error("
"\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService.error("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process("
"\tat org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher.process("
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair"
"\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService$PrintStreamErrorCallback.error("
"\tat org.limewire.service.ErrorService.error("
"Uncaught thread error: NIODispatcher"
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]	[ERROR] PassiveLeafController - -IOException < Not in GZIP format> Not in GZIP format
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at<init>(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at<init>(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.mojito.util.CryptoUtils.loadPublicKey(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.AbstractDHTController.<init>(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.PassiveLeafController.<init>(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.DHTControllerFactoryImpl.createPassiveLeafController(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.DHTManagerImpl$
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at org.limewire.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[0x0-0x12a12a].net.sourceforge.acqlite[9534]		at
Unfortunately I have no answers.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 1st, 2014
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In preferences > Network, do you have TLS enabled? Try disabling this. It's disabled by default, but mine was enabled.
I tried two Acqlites running simultaneously on Snow Leopard & Mavericks. Seems disabling TLS 'might' have fixed the issue for me.
Both Acqlites running for 5 hrs without drops in connections.

Edit: one 7 hour session for one Acqlite & two for the other, no connection issues. But the question is if TLS is your problem.
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