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esunshineann October 6th, 2006 09:03 PM

Kids and Porn
How do I keep my son from down loading PORN using Limewire? I think I have set it up correctly, but he can hack threw anything. Please help. I just deleted a ton of aweful files he downloaded using this program. :eek:

6_pac October 6th, 2006 11:50 PM

Close adult supervision.

You can set the filters to block porn but if he knows how to change them, then it's useless. There are some programs available that claim to be able to monitor all activity on your pc, but I don't know how good they are or if they work with filesharing programs. CYBERsitter is one.

Here's instructions to filter porn: Direct instructions to eliminate porn from results

wondering why October 7th, 2006 01:42 AM

In my opinion kids shouldn't use Limewire, my kids don't touch it or they know I'll kick their butts :yikes:
You could try using a password to your account and make yourself the only comp administrator....:rolleyes_2:

limewire12 October 12th, 2006 06:19 PM

well i am a kid and just use limewire for music nothing else but yea if my mom found out that i was downloading porn i would get my a** beat so badly lol really that is why i don't do that even though it is my computer

wondering why October 12th, 2006 06:27 PM

Thats good to hear limewire12....Cheers....:idea:

garbagefan2 October 12th, 2006 06:33 PM

Porn is the most discustion thing evar. So disgusting. My mother would kick me *** too. My *** would be grass. It's a saying when you know you'll get into trouble. But I will never get in trouble for porn because it's disgusting and I never want to watch it. I just download audio files with my anti virus enabled.

techgeek October 12th, 2006 06:41 PM

I am a kid also and NEVER watch porn or my a** would be as red is a chili pepper!

wondering why October 12th, 2006 06:41 PM

It's nice to know that there are still sensible kids around and who know their parents care enough to kick a s s when needed....:twisted:

garbagefan2 October 13th, 2006 06:37 AM

Don't worry about that. I'd be in big trouble. I don't download movies. Knowing they could be fake. I just download mp3's.

limewire12 October 13th, 2006 12:13 PM

yea that is what almost everyone uses limewire for lol

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