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godXBlue April 12th, 2002 11:27 AM

PEERanha is Dead

let me explain the current situation in the gnutellacommunity with the films of Star Wars:

There's a dark site with the power of hate called THE IMPERIUM,
and there's a site with love, peace and harmony called THE REBELS.

THE IMPERIUM got power of million of systems infected them with spy's and taxes. It used programs like Bearshare und other giants which are totally immovably. Well THE REBELS had wrote his own programs like PEERanha.


It's sad to say it here , I had spend most of my free time for this project and I know there're some user who use PEERanha but what other should I say: "I'm sorry!".


- godXBlue

PS: I hope there're some ppl who will continue the rebellion! I'm in the army now and have no time for this project!
Sorry again to all the user!

Moak April 12th, 2002 12:01 PM

Thx man for PEERanha,

it was definitly nice to meet you, great coding (lots of features in only a few months), great client (!) and fun on #gnutelladev. I especially liked to talk with you about interesting new ideas for P2P future (e.g. GNUXP binary protocol or pheromone routing hehe) and I was amazed by the speed you programmed. Damn, you're fast! I'm really sorry to see you go, good luck the next months! Don't think the rebellion has lost yet.... oh if the fish goes open source think about GPL to block Vinnieborg from assimilating.

Moak & Chewy :)

Taliban April 12th, 2002 12:16 PM

Assimilating code is not quite as easy, especially if the APIs are different.

Iamnacho April 12th, 2002 04:11 PM

bye godx and dont forget to visit us every once in a while :D

good luck


backmann April 12th, 2002 05:52 PM

Sorry to hear that.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

Unregistered April 12th, 2002 08:59 PM

How unfortunate (though i've never actually used PEERhana).

wilecyote April 12th, 2002 09:21 PM

too bad for us users! I really liked Peeranha too I just hope the gnutella community could pull together before we lose too many more good programers. Ive been a fan of gnutella for about two years it seems that the rifts in the community will tear it asunder. I hope it dont come to that. ive watched some good programs come and go I'm just a end user who enjoys swaping files you all have done great work improving the network I just wish there was a way to combine the energy and frustration to make it better for all us end users Ive now been orfened by three good programs /programers now

markyrwol April 13th, 2002 04:02 AM

Crap! The bad guys have won again.
I’ve been enjoying sharing with PEERanha, it defiantly has fun options. I enjoy hearing Bruce Campbell’s shotgun for every completed upload, PEERanha makes uploading enjoyably, even when there’s nothing I want to download.

Thanks for a great client, sorry to see you go. :(

karlnapf_ger April 13th, 2002 05:16 AM

perhaps this is the wrong place to say this
but theres a nice p2p net called openFT which is a plugin for giFT.....
they have a lack of developers .....
i liked peeranaha....this sucks....but i am really looking forward to the development of giFT...

gnutellafan April 13th, 2002 09:05 AM

sorry to see you go
I am very sorry to see you go. Your client was coming along very nicely. Please do the gnutella community a favor and open source your client so your hard work can continue to live on and improve the gnutella experience.

Good luck.

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