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Rants Just say whatever must be said. (XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Another Gnutella Corporation pops up

Sorry to say this but it's a fact that XoloX is another greedy corporation seeking to profit off of the Gnutella Network.
They will be placing ads to generate revenue while sucking Gnutella for it's resources.
This client needs to be blocked. It's sad, but its true, sorry.
They have 7 full time hungry programmers and plan to use everyone and all the files on Gnutella to help pay those bills.
How far will they go to keep their jobs after they obtain a good "market share"? Stop them now, block it!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Join Date: April 24th, 2002
Posts: 10
RusselHarvey is flying high
Default Think again !!! before you make some damage

People get pissed off because of teh spy/ad ware exist in some Gnutella client software, in the meantime, the maker of those spy/ad ware are making money from Gnutella network's free resource. Wait ... from where?

Sometimes from observation, people tend to jump on the direct conclusion with the easiest express path. For instance, if you are running Bearshare with spyware, and donwloading file from my disk, the profit that you are making should have some share that I've contributed, or did I?

A simpliest question often forgotten to be asked: Why in hell do these user who more than likely already pissed off by the spyware and complaint all around the world, in real life, are still using Bearshare? Why didn't they swtich over to any of these many other Gnutella client on the earth? Did any of you who jumped on the 'openxxx p2p' bandwagon ever bother to ask yourself this question?

Let me try this, the spyware is not exactly target to make profit from Gnutella share files, but rather attempt to exploit a way to sponsor the software development.

Now back to the question that why those bearshare users are still using bearshare, it's simply because they like bearshare, period!!

This whole open Gnutella network brought us a good thing, that is anyone can develop a Gnutella client software, to offer to user for a choice. To use bearshare regardless the annoy spyware is truly a user choice. It can only because bearshare is better than other software in it's usability, connectivity, or whatever, that is in this user's view.

It's your choice to develop a better software to compete with bearrshare if you can, at any time. The fact is, most freebie are under developer's spare time work, often inferior to those back by some financial support.

To ban bearshare or any other software client with spyware will not stop developer's attempting to seek financial support as naturally they want to spend more time on it but also bring income by do that work, hope this is not something hard to understand.

The ideal result of course, is most of Gnutella developer join in one or a few of development group, concentrate on a single or a couple of client software, instead of this free competition mode of Gnutella client software. Though the premise is an unite commitee sort to settle on the proposal with priority when developers have disparate opinion.

Last edited by RusselHarvey; April 30th, 2002 at 01:28 AM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a

People still use BearShare because they run ad-aware and get rid of the spyware. Now they get a non "often inferior to those back by some financial support" client truly for free.
Is this fair? I don't think anyone plays by the rules anymore, it's a free for all.
I just want my files. You people play politics while I fill up CD after CD of files.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Think again !!! before you make some damage

Originally posted by RusselHarvey
The fact is, most freebie are under developer's spare time work, often inferior to those back by some financial support.
Yea, now you get WORSE versions full of spyware from the commercial vendors, but --- "if you pay we will provide you with a full version"

From Limewire:
"Chris would like you to buy LimeWirePRO
Chris is one of 6 full time developers working at LimeWire
LimeWire is the most advanced file sharing program available today. By downloading LimeWire Pro for only $8.50, you will enable" ...BLAH, BLAH.....

So you will get that adavnced client, if you pay for it and after you pay, Limewire still uses Gnutella and all the other free clients to support file transfers rather than your dollars going towards support for a Limewire network.

Chris and Adam Fisk need to get real jobs a Kmart doing real work for money instead of sucking Gnutella resources.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Join Date: September 19th, 2001
Posts: 45
X_Man is flying high

as long as they aren't cydoor, or doubleclick ads or full of javascript, i see no problem with ads (unless it downloads a new one everytime you touch your mouse, like morpheus did)
I did notice that ads come up on search menus, will the ads target the search? if i search for cher, will i get an ad for shampoo to go with it?
But i'll live with it, hell i plan on clicking on a few every day
  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a

For me this looks like a naive attempt to badmouth Xolox (again), even before it came out.

From the new Xolox page: "XoloX contains NO SPYWARE, NO SNEAKWARE, NO HIJACKWARE. We will never trick you into installing something that you don’t want to install or that you don’t know you are installing ...not now...not ever!"

Let's wait and see if Xolox is our good friend again (or as you said another greedy Bearwire replacement).
  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
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yes we shall all wait and see and hopefully not be disapointed
  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2002
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I think team Xolox is talking about banners not third party software!

  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 1st, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Morgwen
I think team Xolox is talking about banners not third party software!
"a important source of revenues for us will be advertising. We hope you understand the realities that P2P companies face to stay alive for the long
haul. Our choice was to either operate XoloX as a hobby between our full-time jobs or to dedicate every moment of our lives
to pushing the envelope even further to make XoloX the best P2P client possible. We chose the latter! "

Directly from XoloX, they all needed jobs, so they chose GREED!

It doesn't matter what type of ads, these companies are sucking Gnutella resources to pay their bills. They will always, ALWAYS abuse their "power" and will spam you or who knows what later on. Haven't you people learned yet? what will it take for you to wake up to reality? Corporations are greed, they survive off of greed, and suck your resources to stay alive.

And XoloX is continuing to suck resources and bring down Gnutella in a attempt to be the "best" client. Not caring what it does to the network as long as it gets you your files! Who cares if it spews search requests all over the network, you get your files so it's OK.

Direct from XoloX "features" (will probably get removed after this post)
"The composition of the network changes very fast (users are (dis) connecting all the time), which is
both an annoyance as an opportunity. XoloX will keep searching the network (in the background)
for new hosts that have the file you are currently downloading. "

You don't know it's damaging the network because you don't have the source code, and the user has no clue this is happening because it's automatic and this program is so "simple" because it hides everything you should know about the network.

  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 1st, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
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I'll never understand why you people think it's a bad thing to have a job.

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