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Rants Just say whatever must be said. (XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.)

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old July 28th, 2002
Joakim Agren's Avatar
Trouble Shooter
Join Date: June 4th, 2002
Location: Örebro Sweden
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Joakim Agren is flying high


This is called Spoofing the network!

It is not the Porn industry that is to be blaimed for this but the RIAA and MPAA.

I think that they are using a specialized client developed by the Rangers based on the old Macintosh Gnutella client Furi.

This is how they do it:

Whenever you do a search a Query message is broadcasted trough your segment of the network(Horizon).Whenever that Query is intercepted by one of the Evil Eve nodes set out by the RIAA and MPAA it takes the Query and pharses the name and generates Query Hit messages(usually 3 or 4 with different extensions added to them) that matched your Query exactly but with for instance !!! added to the file name.These files are nothing but crap files that will take you to Porn sites but these Porn sites are innocent(bealieve it or not).It is just a smart approach by the RIAA and MPAA industry to make us think that they (The Porn industry)are to be blaimed for this since they are already known to have bad moral so that we will all blaim them for this crap.

The reason for them to do this is to clog up the network with crap(Spoof) files.But they cannot do it alone so they need help from unknowledgable users that do download these files and then just keep them in their Shared Directory without deleting them so that their files gets replicated to a great numbers and eventually will become dominating on Gnutella.But fortunatelly it seems that they are failing to attack Gnutella because the Client developers are working to solve these problems and also they will not fool the more Knowledgable users that do care what they share and delete bad files from their Shared Directory.But it seems that they might become successfull with Fast Track and Kazaa.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
  #22 (permalink)  
Old July 28th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
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antihedron is flying high

While some may be the result of the RIAA and MPAA (have no particular evidence but sounds like some of their other schemes), I know that some of them are defidantly related to porn sites. These files are usually larger and are not computer generated (as far as I know; they dont come up under any search and are hard to recognize by type and size) the files are just given the wrong name on purpose.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old August 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Filter the host, "" (in Limewire, select "Tools", "Options", "Filters", "Hosts" and add the IP address to the list) and you will not receive any "hits" from this site.

  #24 (permalink)  
Old August 4th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

Xolox doesnt support that though.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old August 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I got hit by this too... does it read your email address and send it somewhere (like from Outlook express) or is just a re-direct bomb.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

I think it ust bombs your computer with ads. However it is certianly possable that the sites it sends you to ask for such information from your computer.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old September 2nd, 2002
Join Date: September 2nd, 2002
Posts: 3
allnewmagictortoise is flying high

change the order of your key words.
avoid any results named in the order of your search.
genuine results are named in the correct order.

also, be as specific as possible in the "type:" field.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old September 2nd, 2002
Join Date: August 19th, 2002
Location: Here
Posts: 19
ckyFan is flying high
Default Thanks...

Maybe a new thread should be started to make all users aware of the specific IP's to filter.

Something like 'Gnutella Users: Please Read to avoid Spam ads'

I'm sure not everyone will open a thread called 'porn bomb'. Furthermore, maybe it would be a good idea to stay on top of this with updates of any new IP's that share these bombs.


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