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Rants Just say whatever must be said. (XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 10th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down Xolox 1.12 don't touch with a barge pole

version 1.12 the most unstable piece of software I have ever installed. System crashes and file stream errors on a regular basis, but no succesful downloads
  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 11th, 2001
Posts: n/a

If it does not work for you; UNINSTALL IT! and get something else! ...or FIX YOUR PC!
I've been using 1.12 for a while with W2k without a problem. About 3 months ago I upgraded to XPpro (yes I got beta 2 and RTM LONG ago...) and still 1.2 works FINE.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 11th, 2001
Join Date: October 20th, 2001
Posts: 19
3vi1 is flying high
Default I don't believe you.

Originally posted by Unregistered
If it does not work for you; UNINSTALL IT! and get something else! ...or FIX YOUR PC!
I've been using 1.12 for a while with W2k without a problem. About 3 months ago I upgraded to XPpro (yes I got beta 2 and RTM LONG ago...) and still 1.2 works FINE.
Excuse me, but you are obviously high. Three of my friends and I have installed XoloX on all of our systems (I've tested it on three different machines of my own, in fact), and it crashes on every damned one of them - even the clean installs. These are all machines that were *rock-solid* before installing XoloX (not that you can deny a big "XoloX cause an Access Violation in..." message isn't XoloX's fault anyway)>

Granted, it does run a lot better on XP Pro than some others (it's abysmal on W2k Server), but that is only due to improved handling of the memory leaks by XP.

XoloX needs a lot of bug-fixes, denying they are there when every single user sees them is pointless. End of discussion.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 11th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default I agree

This program is FULL of bugs and I have given up on it and gone back to winmx, and as soon as winmx starts using multiple source downloading (available in the soon to be released 3.0 version) MANY other people will follow me. Not only because winmx has proven to be ROCK SOLID but with the new features on the way it will be as fast or faster than XoloX is. Xolox did bring many good ideas to the P2P game, but everyone else is building on those ideas and they have more resources than the xolox team will EVER have. (Hence the slow update from 1.12) I'm afraid Xolox will be left in the dark very soon.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 23rd, 2001
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I believe you when you say that xolox crashes on your PC, so there are surely problems... But for myself XoloX never crashed under my Windows 95...

  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 23rd, 2001
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2001
Join Date: October 20th, 2001
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3vi1 is flying high
Default Unbelievable

Originally posted by Carlo
I believe you when you say that xolox crashes on your PC, so there are surely problems... But for myself XoloX never crashed under my Windows 95...


Then either you are incredibly lucky, or just haven't left it running long enough - upload/downloading enough files. I've had it crash in hours, and sometimes it's taken as long as 3 days (only under XP Pro was I able to get it to run for longer than 1 day without a crash), but it's never run longer than that.

I'm sharing about 300 videos, so I have uploads going to other people almost constantly. I'm also downloading constantly with at least a dozen items queued at any one time. Usage might be a factor as to how often the crashes occur
  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2001
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I admit i share only 153 files... So i do not have a high income rate... But i left it up and runnig for a maximum of 8 consecutive hours and it was still downloading.

  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2001
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Red face

I think you are wrong, no offence but in my case I have tested also many diferent P2P programs & Xolox beats them all!!!

For me Xolox is stable, for instance, In my 64Kb ISDN modem, I´ve never donwloaded a program over 30MBs long, but with Xolox I've downloaded full programs over 140 MBs in zip format, so,

  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 26th, 2001
Join Date: October 20th, 2001
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3vi1 is flying high
Default Not wrong.

I can't be 'wrong': when the program causes an access violation and everything else is fine, it's the programs fault. When running the program slows the entire system down by 200 - 300%, it's the programs fault. When everything else works, but the XoloX interface hangs every other day, it's XoloX's bug, not anyone elses.

It sounds like you guys denying it don't have constant uploads going out as well as concurrent downloads of 700MB files. I leave my systems on and connected to the internet 24x7 (1.4Mb DSL). I hadn't rebooted two of my systems for over a month before trying XoloX, and now I reboot regularly (every day on Win2k Server, every two to three days under WinXP) because it eventually hangs, yet leaves them running at a crawl even when I end the task.

I now have four people who live in my area trying XoloX, and it crashes on *all* of their computers if they leave it up and downloading for multiple days. Add in the three other computers upon which I've installed it, and that's 7 PC's (two of them clean OS installs) where it consistantly crashes.

Denying the problem exists is not helpful, if you have not done extensive testing as we have. Being able to start XoloX, download a 30MB file, and shut XoloX down before it's had time to start getting goofy is not proof enough to say that the problems aren't there. I'm sure if we took a poll, the majority of people would say they've had it crash on their systems at least once, and a good number of more intensive users would say it crashes regularly.

I suppose I could really cut down the number of crashes by only running XoloX when I want to download something and shut it down when done. But, if everyone did that, it would be quite detrimental to the gnutella network. What good is it to share 45MB of files, if I only make them available to the public for 5 minutes at a time?

The only real, acceptable, solution is to get some stability patches made to XoloX.


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