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Shareaza (Windows) Shareaza user question section. Preview this popular software Shareaza (when only the 'Real' version will do)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2019
Join Date: October 28th, 2010
Posts: 3
gallant205 is flying high
Default some crazy Chat I can't dismiss

I'm Running Shareaza
Skorpion Chat

Something called Skorpion shows up as a chat request, I guess- I don't know how it got there, and when I try to dismiss it, it doesn't go away. Instead it goes into a countdown from 60 (60 and some text, then 59 and some test, all the way to zero.) When it gets there, a whole page of what appears to be Polish language text appears. Will NOT go away. Anybody know how to help?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2019
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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We are not normally keen on host ip addresses posted on the forum for privacy reasons (unless it is a BOT.) However you should be aware that is a vps (Virtual private server) and the user might actually be from any country. I'm personally quite a bit wary when I see hosts using a VPS as compared to VPN's. This is due to the 'possibility' of robotic or BOT (pre-programmed, generally fake ID's) types of behaviour. In your experience it sounds like a BOT. However I might be wrong. Regardless it is still misbehaviour and you need to question the motivations of the host.
Add the ip address to the Shareaza hostiles/blocklist whilst the program is closed before you start a new session. See if that helps.

Almost irrelevant but the BearShare, LimeWire, Cabos, Acqlite and WireShare hostiles blocklists have that ip address range blocked.

I've noticed at least a couple of types of BOTs are now using Shareaza as their ID for G1 and G2.

Originally Posted by gallant205 View Post
I'm Running Shareaza
Skorpion Chat ...
Netname: Hekko_VPS_Servers.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2019
Join Date: October 28th, 2010
Posts: 3
gallant205 is flying high

Thank you, LotR. I didn't know there was a Shareaza blocklist. How do I do that?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2019
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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I confess I've never added a blocklist for Shareaza so I cannot give you specific 'how to' details. But check Shareaza • View topic - All-In-One AntiSpam Filter [Aug-14-2011] however this list looks a little old.

Once you have the blocklist you can manually add the address to the file, perhaps before you install it.
Whilst the BearShare hostiles had blocked, you might go smaller scale and instead either add:

Or add both:
which covers the Hekko_VPS_Servers range where that misbehaviour was coming from.

I don't know whether Shareaza now has an auto-hostiles update system. (WireShare does, but WireShare also blocks a few types of BOTs by default using other techniques. That includes the reknown spam-BOT.)
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