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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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Default *Shareaza a possible trojan horse?

A warning that something doesn't seem right here.

Shareaza pops up from nowhere and is just about the best thing you have ever seen.
Major features are added almost weekly, only a large team of programmers can do that.
They ask for no money, and don't say what their plans are to keep themselves in business.
All this while at the same time the RIAA tries to get congress to let them DoS Gnutella.

And the BIG thing is, people have requested features several times that would make it hard for RIAA or other greedy corporations to spy on you and shut down your ISP account or sue you, but yet they are


Shareaza won't even comment on those types of features. Is there something wrong with this picture?
All kinds of other features are added to make this into the "most popular" client on Gnutella, but none that would protect the user from corporate spying.
Limewire has a team of several programmers but yet they don't come up with major advanced features every week like Shareaza does.
Why be the most popular, and work so hard, spend so much time (and money) developing a client but yet not ask for any support?
Who is paying this large team of programmers? Why do they want to be so popular? Doesn't that create a whole lot of support issues and thus take more of your time?
Could you shut down or cripple Gnutella in a second if you had a lot of "popular" clients under your control? Could you do it legally if you had paid for congresscritters saying it was ok to do it?
If you knew you could buy congress because you had big bucks, then wouldn't you be setting up to DoS Gnutella right now? Isn't timing everything?
Who are these people? Anyone know them personally?
Follow the money trail.
Just a thought.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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Maybe you're right, maybe the Illuminati do exist and maybe we're living in the matrix. Who knows?

Nonesense, I think you are getting used to it, that everyone is only working or coding to get money. There are many people out there who code their Gnutella clients for free because it's their hobby.

I have talked few times with Mike, he's cool, where's the problem?
Be happy that there is a new client which evolves in such a short period. Or maybe you are just jealous that you can't code that good like Mike does??

I hope you weren't influenced by old Talibans post, that
if you turn the letters of Shareaza it comes out something like Eraser. Share Eraser

Mike? You aren't working for the RIAA, are you?
Hey! Guess what? Maybe Mike isn't even human! Maybe he's
an AI computer like Daedalus (Do you know the game Deus Ex?).
Thats the reason why he can program that fast and clean without charging a dime. Thats it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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I have just noticed that there is a van parking in front of my house. Maybe its the RIAA running Tempest Attacks on my computer? Maybe I should call the police? Damn, I forgot that the RIAA is working with the police and the entire goverment!

All I wanna say is that the RIAA is not bad.
You guys act like the RIAA is like the Mafia, it is not.
As long as you are nice and only share non copyrighted files the
RIAA will let you sleep well, if not... well then they will hunt you all down, until the last of you goes offline...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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Default Re: Shareaza a possible trojan horse?

Originally posted by Unregistered
Shareaza pops up from nowhere and is just about the best thing you have ever seen.
I like this way more than someone who talks how cool and great his program is going and then starts coding it.

First code, then talk
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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I think you might be letting your imagination run a little too wild...

Shareaza isn't part of any big conspiricy. But I like your story, it should be made into a movie or something, like Antitrust.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
Join Date: July 3rd, 2002
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teedog is flying high

This thread over at BearShare is even funnier.

Mike, I swear I only share non-copyrighted files. Please don't report me to the RIAA.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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Originally posted by teedog
Mike, I swear I only share non-copyrighted files. Please don't report me to the RIAA.
Too late your IP is sent to the RIAA...

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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Shareaza pops up from nowhere and is just about the best thing you have ever seen.
That's why hardly anyone else has seen my client, the so called "vaporware"

I want to make sure it has everything, and all working well, before I release it. Seems Shareaza had the same philosophy, except that they were completely quiet about it, and I wasn't.

It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. If someone releases a commercial Gnutella client with lotsa bugs, it's a bad thing. If someone releases a free or open-source client with very little bugs and lots of options, it's a bad thing too.

I know you have your own opinion about it, but my opinion is: don't be so paranoid!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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You sound like Taliban :P

Mike's already admitted that he's worked on Shareaza loooonnngg before its initial release. It seems wierd because people coming up with new clients usually like to hype it up before the first line of code is done: "Yeah I'm gonna have partial file sharing, and query meshing, and all that Gnutella stuff the other people haven't coded yet". Its basically that Mike is prioritizing what it easiest and quickest and most efficient to do. Partial file sharing isn't done yet. He did gnutella links, the easier task, before it. Gnucleus decided to do partial file sharing before gnutella links. So neither one are done for Gnucleus. Not saying its a bad decision, and I still love Gnucleus, but little examples like that pile up and make Shareaza ahead of the curve. If you look at the features implemented and the time it took, it is very possible. He doesn't seem to get cought up in Gnutella fantasies half way through coding a feature and decide to redo the whole base like many coders do. PLEASE give us an example of a security type feature that was suggested and Mike didn't respond to.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2002
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Default The truth will out

Enough of this banter from the paranoid squad.

Someone has to telly you the truth.

Mike is from the planet Tralfamador.

He is only visiting here because the TBC (Tralfamador Broadcasting Corporation) started running 'Neighbours'.

Mike is in Australia now and is simply waiting to meet Kylie Minogue when she was 14 years old.

In order to do this, he is of course using a time-displacement device. In order to make what appears to be a legal gig of some kind to satisfy the Australian immigration authorities, he has gone forward in time as well... Shareaza is just a ripped-off copy of BearShare version 63.0.1 beta 2... (which is of course a ripped-off copy of Shareaza version 900.3.0, which is of course a ripped-off copy of BearShare version 62.1.3 alpha 1,897,623 which is of course a ripped-off copy of......)
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