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  #21 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2004
Join Date: May 24th, 2004
Posts: 38
gnome2 is flying high

I don't think so. It is not possible for them to share incomplete files from ed2k on Gnutella, so we will not see that much of their content. Plus, any download from a host connected to both Gnutella and ed2k will very likely be sluggish.
The files in the incoming and temp dir wil be hashed again newhashes will be generated by edonkey and plugins . so yes the temp is shared but also the finished downloads .

gnutella need to get an system that connects clients with the same speed , would be better for those guys who really want to serve the network ,

my upload is 43 kb/s , soon it will be 130 kb/s with a program as overnet it will find partners with the same speed , i spread my files on the gnutella network ( from edonkey) and try to download some back but getting speeds of 1.5 kb/s from clients is not that good after 12 hours running . so i wonder is there any developing for gnutella , are there new things implemented or coming, where can i read that information .

gnutella is oke if everybody share, and upload with some more speed .
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2004
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
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trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by gnome2
The files in the incoming and temp dir wil be hashed again newhashes will be generated by edonkey and plugins . so yes the temp is shared but also the finished downloads .
The incomplete files cannot be hashed for Gnutella (SHA-1 of the full file) so they can't be shared.

gnutella need to get an system that connects clients with the same speed , would be better for those guys who really want to serve the network ,
No, it would be better for guys who really want to download at the highest possible speeds. And you would probably waste a lot of bandwidth on additional protocol overhead in the process.

my upload is 43 kb/s , soon it will be 130 kb/s with a program as overnet it will find partners with the same speed , i spread my files on the gnutella network ( from edonkey) and try to download some back but getting speeds of 1.5 kb/s from clients is not that good after 12 hours running .
Overnet's "horde" system is overrated. The speed at which you can download from a p2p network is hard to predict and in general you cannot enforce any kind of fairness. You can even leech from BitTorrent if your client is aggressive enough.

so i wonder is there any developing for gnutella , are there new things implemented or coming, where can i read that information .

There are a number of new things coming, - the biggest thing at the moment is firewall-to-firewall transfers via UDP.

Last edited by trap_jaw4; October 6th, 2004 at 12:24 AM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2004
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Originally posted by KathW
As some of you know I use Shareaza. My downloads are minimal compared to my uploads, I'm not a compulsive collector by any means. 80% of my uploads are to G1, (please don't correct me, I won't appreciate it) the rest are to G2 and a few torrents when I feel like it. PS.. don't come looking to me for 128 bitrate files, you won't find many, maybe that's why I'm always uploading. Limewire and Bearshare users really love those good quality files
Salut KathW! Well all that is great. Thousands of RAZA's users do the same. However, you do not represent the shareaza community typical behavior: the behavior we see overall. It's like recycling paper, alone you can save a tree, but won't help deforestation. If all recycle, the forest will be saved. This is the same thing in Gnutella if you can understand the analogy. It would be better to ensure everyone recycle, no?

PS: I'm not in ecology, but I do think ecology has the best analogies with Gnutella
N.B: stop saying G1!!! You are honoring Anenga saying that! It's gnutella or gnet.

Last edited by et voilà; October 5th, 2004 at 04:04 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2004
Join Date: May 24th, 2004
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gnome2 is flying high

-well sharing the download directory ( complete files) is good for me .

d you would probably waste a lot of bandwidth on additional protocol overhead in the process.
i have now with another protocoll :

62 gigs data traffic ( overhead 920 mb ) have no idear how much overhead gnutella would have with same statistics.

at least with the overhead i get decent speeds and clients with the same speed as i have .

There are a number of new things coming, - the biggest thing at the moment is firewall-to-firewall transfers via UDP.
should be firewall on no download only upload , this will people force to use the right settings . ( see what happens on a nother network, it really force people ) .
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
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trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by gnome2
I have now with another protocoll :

62 gigs data traffic ( overhead 920 mb ) have no idear how much overhead gnutella would have with same statistics.
difficult to tell, my HTTP overhead is usually below 1%, I don't have any protocol overhead because I am not an ultrapeer.

at least with the overhead i get decent speeds and clients with the same speed as i have .
Then that is the right network for you. I don't care much for limiting my sources to one connection speed. Maybe it's because I'm not an elitaristic pig.

should be firewall on no download only upload , this will people force to use the right settings . ( see what happens on a nother network, it really force people ) .
That is one of those ideas that you can really shove where the sun doesn't shine. A large number of users does not have a direct connection to the internet and a good number of them cannot do port forwarding because they don't happen to have access to the router/proxy they have to use.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
Join Date: May 24th, 2004
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gnome2 is flying high

Then that is the right network for you. I don't care much for limiting my sources to one connection speed. Maybe it's because I'm not an elitaristic pig.
well thank you , just trying to understand the network and if i have 1745 sources , iam wondering why i have an download of 1.5 kb/s thats all .

what i try to say is that if people cannot acces the router , that could happen , but i dont believe that is the majority .

for the sources of compleye files : edonkey and gnutella :

what you see at least for the netherlands is an upgrade for most people there is an "battle" going on betweens the different isp's ( hope you can follow me ) .

This mean that upload and download speed will raise twice . or as for me 10 times higher .

if you use the right settings downloads and uploads will not go sluggish , if everybody could set an 15 kb/s for each netwerk protocol this will have an huge impact on the p2p community .

the last years my upload was also 16kb/s as for most people with cable in the netherlands , because chello is gonna raise the speed other providers will follow and speed on the p2p networks will getting better .

so slugish download when you use 2 protocols i dont believ that , that will dissapear soon , llook at the combined ed/overnet , seems to be an succes .

sometimes i see the potential of gnutella with high speeds , but there are times i cannot understand why my download is 1.5kb/s with 1745 sources , so i try to figure out why this is .

Also new idears are not bad , using idears from othere p2p protocols is not bad either , if this will make gnutella stronger .

i believe you have to look at the strong points of other networks to learn and improve your own network , look at the succesor and do it better .

said the pig .
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
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I will not stop saying G1 *stamps foot* nobody has the right to tell me to do that. Same as I don't tell you what to call G2.. you use whatever terminology you want and so will I
Well I can tell you that but I can't force you. That's the difference I WOULD prefer you not calling it G1... Shareaza users CHOOSE to call their network G2, so it's okay with me. Gnutella devs never CHOOSE to call Gnet G1, another difference.

Bonne soirée Kath!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
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If you ask me Gnutella has nothing to do with Gnutella2, they are different protocols which share only the name. BUT ITS ONLY A NAME...

My two european cents.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
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Are you quite sure you don't want to throw a little MP in there
Bad girl! I didn't remember that one... you shouldn't have reminded it to me!

Anyway, Gnet and G2 are two different protocols. A protocol is how a network searches results. Morpheus might be using GnucDNA to download NEOnet results, but NEOnet can still be called another network.

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
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Originally posted by Morgwen
If you ask me Gnutella has nothing to do with Gnutella2, they are different protocols which share only the name. BUT ITS ONLY A NAME...

My two european cents.

You must be right then, because your two european cents value more than my two canadian cents
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