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pickaxe October 24th, 2007 11:09 AM

download behind a firewall
Hello forum....How does someone download files from someone that is behind a firewall?You know the ones with a lightning bolt under the status collum..

Neglacio October 24th, 2007 09:10 PM

Well, that depends, but it's called UDP punching.
With a firewall user, we mean that person has got one internet adress (IP) for different computers, whilst normal users only have one for one computer.
When this happens, and you're searching for a file and you get such a firewalled source, you'll first connect to the UltraPeers/Hubs/Servers he's connected too. You'll ask that one: "Hey, can you ask that source to start giving me my file?"
Every # seconds a firewalled source will say to it's UP's/Hubs/Servers: "Any messages for me?"
And the UP/Hub/Server will answer: "Yep, you need to start uploading to that guy".
And the firewalled source will do it :)

That's why firewalled sources are slower to connect to, but eventually, they should.

pickaxe October 25th, 2007 05:41 PM

Thanks Neglacio...Do you mean try and chat with the person behind the firewall? I try to open a chat but it won't connect..Thanks again

Neglacio October 25th, 2007 09:05 PM

No ;) Read my text some 10 times more :p
Chatting won't help :p

meeshu November 7th, 2007 08:05 PM

I'm also having problems downloading from sources that are firewalled.

I've been waiting for around three hours so far :imwaiting:, but the downloads will not start :confused::mad:

The connections to the sources continue to report 'pending' (and "push" whatever that means) :confused:. Perhaps Shareaza is not 'pushing' hard enough! :rolleyes:

What's going on? Why can't I download the files??

Neglacio November 7th, 2007 09:24 PM

Tell me what your firewall, router and internet provider is.
And it could also help with what Shareaza version you have and what OS you're running.

meeshu November 7th, 2007 10:22 PM

I'm using Windows XP Pro SP2, and Shareaza V2.2.5.0.

I'm using the firewall is that included with Windows XP, but I thought I've configured it to allow Shareaza access to/from the internet?

I CAN download files (most of the time) using Shareaza for those sources that are NOT firewalled. But, as far as I can recall, firewalled sources result in files that are not downloadable!?

ISP is -

nkdy November 8th, 2007 12:23 AM

me too, dwload slow, pending........i'm already configure my firewall and port, but it's same, nothing change...maybe i shoulds uninstall shareaza and just using LW....

Neglacio November 8th, 2007 07:49 AM

@ meeshu: Try this test: Shareaza Connection Test - Atomo64 and this Shareaza:

meeshu November 8th, 2007 02:28 PM

Thanks for the links!

The connection test reports that Shareaza communicates OK with my computer through my firewall. So no problem there! :)

I've installed Shareaza V2.2.5.7 RC2 (communication test reports OK for this version as well).

As of this writing I am downloading a file from firewalled source!! :D However, I had to wait about twenty minutes or so before the download started.

Whether this latest version of Shareaza helped to enable downloading from firewalled sources or not is, perhaps, debateable. But for now, downloads seem to be working from firewalled sources. :xirokrotima:

lillie36 November 8th, 2007 03:03 PM

Why is my limewire has a firewall? And how do I get it off so I can download please

lillie36 November 8th, 2007 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by lillie36 (Post 295856)
Why is my limewire has a firewall? And how do I get it off so I can download please

Neglacio November 8th, 2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by lillie36 (Post 295856)
Why is my limewire has a firewall? And how do I get it off so I can download please

This forum is for the Shareaza program. Please go to the LimeWire forum.

Lorainne December 2nd, 2007 12:15 PM

I am new to Shareaza, ex-ares user. So far it works much better. When I open Shareaza I get a error message which is impossible to read.Something about firewall and router. In my settings there is no port number included. Where can I get it. I've tried the link in one of the posts but it is dead. Please help as I want to fix the problem.

senol May 29th, 2008 12:10 AM

thanks sp2

OldDeath June 7th, 2008 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lorainne (Post 299794)
I am new to Shareaza, ex-ares user. So far it works much better. When I open Shareaza I get a error message which is impossible to read.Something about firewall and router. In my settings there is no port number included. Where can I get it. I've tried the link in one of the posts but it is dead. Please help as I want to fix the problem.

Tools>Shareaza setings>Internet>Connection>Inbound address>Port

You can get an install guide here: Shareaza Forum - SHAREAZA INSTALL GUIDE by OldDeath The guide includes pics of all the settings that have to be made...

thedrifter June 7th, 2008 05:09 PM

shareza has been taken over by the RIAA, you have to pay now. the link is the proof, switch to limewire.

Remoc June 8th, 2008 01:25 AM

Not so Fast there Drifter. The Real Shareaza is back. Shareaza Stands Up To Scammers: “We’re fighting back!” | TorrentFreak

This is the REAL Site for Shareaza and can also access there Forum from here Shareaza - Bringing P2P Together .

OldDeath June 8th, 2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by thedrifter (Post 319541)
shareza has been taken over by the RIAA, you have to pay now. the link is the proof, switch to limewire.

That's not true. They managed to overtake our domain ( and now they distribute from this platform a FAKE Shareaza (ShareazaV4). This application includes spy- and addware.
But the Shareaza project isn't dead. We moved our website to this one and keep on fighting against these ******.

senol June 8th, 2008 05:58 AM


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