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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 29th, 2008
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation
Exclamation Politicians who support illegal spreading of viruses around the world - did you vote?

Did you vote for or are you going to vote for a politician who supports illegal spreading of computer viruses around the world? It is a federal offence in USA, as well as most other countries around the world. Yet some politicians have close ties to the organisations that are spamming the p2p networks with compputer viruses. Some politicians have been sponsored/donated to by such organisations or members there of, to support their illegal activities. Spreading of computer viruses is akin to Terrorism. Just in the same way 'deliberate' spreading of viruses like the bird flu or any other potentially highly contagious & deadly human virus, would be viewed as terrorism.

Spreading of computer viruses around p2p networks has cost business world wide highly financially by having to close their systems or database damage, and losses of jobs as a result. As you can see, terrorists do not care who they harm along the way. And deep down neither do the politicians who support them, as long as they get to their political aims of remaining in office.

RIAA’s “Recording Industry Of America Inc. Political Action Committee” and MPAA’s “Motion Picture Association of America Political Action Committee” & other groups that support software companies & porn industries sponsor companies that spam p2p networks. More about this

So who are these Politicians who have received donations & support these organisations who spam viruses around the world?

Here's a starting point: Bart Gordon (Democratic Rep., Tennessee), Tom Feeney (Republican, Florida), Lamar Smith (Republican, Texas), Rep. Wexler (Democrat, Florida), Mary Bono (Democrat, California), Senator Joe Biden (D-Del)

Some politicians financially sponsored by the RIAA / MPAA (direct or/and advertising, personal donations in the names of its staff)

Some known Anti-p2p sharing politicians: Lamar Smith (Republican,Texas), who wants p2p sharers to be jailed for up to 10 years for sharing a few songs. Now really, is not spreading of computer viruses a more severe breach of law & more damaging world wide. Such politicians should themselves be locked away for a lifetime for supporting terrorist organisations.

These politicians are in favor of bringing in internet packet analysing, which is akin to listening in to everyone's personal telephone calls. Thus, nobody's email will be safe from being seen by .... ? Makes you wonder doesn't it. Would you vote for politicians who support these Bills to create laws allowing this, and draconian laws to jail people for simple file sharing?

Leading articles:

Bush Signs Draconian Anti-Piracy Law | TorrentFreak

Which Politicians voted for the Bill? See if anybody you may vote for is on this list.

Senators want Justice Department to sue P2P pirates | Latest News in Politics and Law - CNET News

RIAA and MPAA Fund Anti-Piracy Politicians | TorrentFreak

buckeye express is severly throttling torrents, and seeding is almost worthless .. lowest article on page about present USA parties & their views.

GovTrack: House Vote On Passage: S. 3325: Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual...

Slashdot | Senator Proposes to Monitor All P2P Traffic for Illegal Files

Congress Moves to Criminalize P2P

More articles:

Congress: P2P networks harm national security | Tech News on ZDNet

Techdirt: Politicians Blame P2P Software For Not Stopping Gov't Employee Stupidity

US Congress: P2P networks harm national security - News - Builder AU

Committee Holds Hearing on Inadvertent File Sharing over Peer-to-Peer Networks :: Committee on Oversight and Government Reform :: United States House of Representatives

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Music | Destroy 'pirate' PCs, says politician

Deep packet inspection meets 'Net neutrality, CALEA: Page 1

The Record Industry's Decline : Rolling Stone
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2009
Join Date: July 27th, 2009
Location: South of the Mason-Dixon Line
Posts: 12
BlindAlley is flying high

Lord of the Rings,

I myself am deeply involved in downloading and analyzing the virus-infected files that seem to proliferate all over the P2P networks. I get the file, have it analyzed by (multiple virus scanners), and then create a Bitzi ticket for it so that anyone with sense enough to right-click on the file's name in their search results can be forewarned about its contents. This is one of the several things I do to try to help P2P users be safer.

I have not bothered myself to go see what the legalities of deliberately sharing viruses might be in the country where I live, the U.S.A. I simply assume that it's illegal.

One of the legal questions I've pondered, not being an attorney myself, is whether a Trojan-downloader is itself considered a virus under U.S. law. Please let me explain what I mean. A Trojan-downloader is not the same thing as a virus.

Many of the files I test contain what I and many virus scanners consider to be an "infection," but the infection itself is not harmful to anyone's computer. This Trojan-downloader itself will not hurt you provided you don't open the media file that contains it (music, movies, etc.). If you do play the media file using Windows Media Player (or perhaps the other player you like), the URLANDEXIT instruction within the media file will open your web browser and take it to a web site that you didn't ask for. That web site will then start downloading real viruses to your computer.

So I wonder whether this sort of Trojan-downloader is considered illegal under U.S. law, or whether the actually harmful virus has to be downloaded before it is considered to be illegal.

You wouldn't happen to know, would you?

And if I could prove that a particular web site hosted in the U.S. was downloading harmful viruses to unsuspecting users, to which law-enforcement agency would I report this? Let us reasonably assume that it would be interstate, and therefore a federal offense.

Let us also assume that I could provide IP numbers, dates, times, and all the other details needed to prove the offense. Would I be setting myself up for a big fat sting by the recording industry? I worry that these people have so many millions of dollars that even with incontrovertible proof, I'd end up losing and maybe put into prison.

I know you don't have the answers, but maybe now you know who I am and how I feel about it all.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2013
Join Date: December 12th, 2013
Posts: 9
krt47 is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

i think you should put anti virus security as a option in the features.
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