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File_Girl71 November 26th, 2008 12:30 PM

Thanx for the Antispam filter,easy to add to Shareaza...I use my own made Shareaza and i based on Shareaza and i build a upgrade to newer version-and I allways wanted a Lite edition now i got one....This is a not a official release by the way,just my creation....Thanx enny way, i allways like what you writing Old Death :xeri_ok1ani:

OldDeath November 27th, 2008 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by File_Girl71 (Post 332713)
I use my own made Shareaza and i based on Shareaza and i build a upgrade to newer version-and I allways wanted a Lite edition now i got one....This is a not a official release by the way,just my creation....

What do you mean by 'light edition'? What features did you take out?

Originally Posted by File_Girl71 (Post 332713)
Thanx enny way, i allways like what you writing Old Death :xeri_ok1ani:

thx! :laugh_2:

Remoc November 27th, 2008 05:56 AM

After she Finishes the Banana, will there be Banana Pudding ?? :yahoo:

File_Girl71 November 28th, 2008 08:41 PM

Well i mean its a lite edition because of 2 thing...
1. Its using littel of my pc resource,the new Shareaza eating my pc alive-my pc its old and tierd...:w00t:
2.I like to keep things simpel and easy as possible....:xirokrotima:The new Shareaza has alot new function i just dont like-but the security and privacy protection are verry good-thumbs up for the Shareaza team there:super:
Of course i use the same security filters as the new Shareaza use...I must say it working verry well get good connection to the network and i no more banned/blacklisted on e-Donkey2000 network-its connect to mostly newer Shareaza-and other Shareaza clones like MP3-Rockets-really funny lol :cheesy: And its connect in matter of seconds....I also want it to appers as a Lite and looking nice and pretty-iam a girl so why not-and i wanna screw up the company "P2PShareing.Biz" whit the facke Shareaza Lite 2.3:shoot: wich is bundled up withe nasty spy/adware as of course none optional-pretty bad!!!At least my is better that way....
I dident have to remove enny thing to stripp it down-but i fond one old Shareaza thats was gentel and kind to my old and out dated pc.but i will by a new one soon as i got monny-since iam not ritch...
To Remoc i will say: Belive me I am good at it...:rolleyes_2:

OldDeath November 29th, 2008 04:15 AM

So how did you proceed? Did you use the code of an older version ( and added some of the latest code to it?
(Sorry, but I don't really get what you want to tell me)

File_Girl71 December 15th, 2008 06:08 AM

Yes i used a older shareaza code as base/core for my version,it was Shareaza and it runs as version now....You could say it is a adapted version,since you must install the old build first then you must copy the new build over the old-since its need the core of it...This was the lesson a programer and developer teache me,he say it would be easy and give a good upgrade version if its done correctly...But its a totally unofficial and i hope i dont get to muche troubbel of it!!!:yahoo:Its soo fare accepted by all newer Gnutella and G2 clients,and the e-Donkey 2000 network
accepted it to...:idea:

OldDeath December 15th, 2008 08:20 AM

So you are simply using a v2.4 core with the plugins etc. and the outdated .dat files from a previous version??? the you could have also replaced the entire application... It would have had the same effect... only there were less bugs and more updated servers etc.

File_Girl71 December 19th, 2008 09:17 PM

Nope,i use the old core as the base for the new one....I made a new build lets say,and i change the default service dat file and get a new one i made and updated it with working one....It connecting quick and working quiet good to....The problem on the Gnutella network is for the older client is this ,the newer one filter the old one out when it comes to connection and downloading to -i see this all the time....:rolleyes_2:The core and the plugins and everything is from the version....

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