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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
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Default Limewire won't quit in OS X without a force quit

Every time I quit in OS X it just shrinks down into the dock. I have to force quit every time. What do I do?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a

go to prefrences, go to shutting down, then u can configure it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2002
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Still, it's f-cked up if it won't respond to a regular "apple-q" command.
Don't give me this, "change prefs" thing - fix the bug!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 24th, 2002
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I once thought this was a bug too, but actually this shutdown behavior is one of two choices you have under Limewire|Preferences|Shutdown. The default behavior on attempting to shut the program down is to delay the shutdown until all currently active uploads/downloads are complete. That way, you don't accidentally kill someone's upload or your own download. The other option you will see under LimeWire|Preferences|Shutdown is to shutdown the program immediately. Choose that option and you can quit the program in all the usual apple ways plus one non-apple way; you will also be able to quit by clicking the red button.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2002
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I have a suggestion regarding that.

Normally in OS X when you create a new document and/or make some changes to an existing document, the little "X" (close) button changes from an X to a dot (•). You can then tell quite easily that you won't be able to quit or close that document without invoking a save dialog box.

Maybe you could incorporate that functionality into LimeWire? For example, you'd have two options in LimeWire|Preferences|Shutdown. The first would be shut down immediately, and the second would be ask me what to do when I click the X button (invoke a dialog box similar to a save dialog box). The second option would result in changing the X button to a •, and then when you hit the •, you'd be asked "Would you like to shut Limewire down now, or would you like to minimize to the Dock?" <three buttons: Cancel, Shutdown Now, Minimize>

That way, you'd present the user with the choice at the time it's most prudent, rather than worry about having to dig within Limewire Preferences to find and change it.

Hope this helps...
(And keep up the great work guys/gals!)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 30th, 2002
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So the suggestion is for an option to prompt the user upon quit?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 1st, 2002
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Originally posted by ajutagir
So the suggestion is for an option to prompt the user upon quit?
Yeah, essentially, I guess that'd be it.

Well, I just wondering what the reasoning behind preventing the "quit" menu option from really meaning "quit". I seemed somewhat similar to the reason you'd prompt the user with a save dialog box if they had made any changes to a document--that the user has "unfinished" business, and quitting would result in data loss.

The first option would quit limewire immediately and the window buttons would look like this (no •):

If you've chosen the "prompt me at shutdown" option, immediately after clicking ok on the preferences window the limewire application window would look like this:

That's the standard way a window would look in an application if you had made changes that weren't saved. It would let the user know immediately that the pref has been set, and that there's no way they're going to get out of Limewire without addressing that dialog box. I'd probably make this the default setting. Most users are used to that kind of a thing. They're used to being prompted "would you like to save changes" when they try to quit the application, but have unfinished business. They're not used to a window suddenly dissappearing into the dock when they expect to quit the app. Maybe add a little note underneath it that says "to turn off this prompt see Limewire Preferences". Maybe even add a checkbox like "don't ever prompt me again"

I mean, when that happened to me personally, I thought--"oh woops, I must have the shutdown pref setting wrong." And so then I go and change it. I mean it's no problem for someone like me or you (programmers) who can think on our feet rather well. But after reading many a thread in these forums I've seen all the ridiculous crap you guys are subjected to, simply because the end user doesn't know his or her @ss from a hole in the ground.

Also, most Mac users are also used to Command+Q (holding down the Command key and then pressing Q) as being the shortcut to quit an application. Command+W closes the current window without quitting the application. Command+Option+W closes _all_ current windows in the application without quitting it.

Also, just one other little thing. I know that you can hold down command and click on the Limewire window to invoke what we mac users call a "contextual menu"--basically like right clicking in Windows. The only thing is, on a mac the standard key to do that is the control key not the command key. If I hadn't seen that one post about it, I don't think I ever would have figured it out on my own-(and no, I'm not a _complete_ moron anyway). It didn't make sense to me, since I new you could right click on a windoze machine and choose "Repeat Search" etc., but had no clue how to do that on the mac. I have a 5 button mouse myself on my mac, so I just set an application specific setting for Limewire where Right click is mapped to Command click instead of the default Control click.

Anyway hope this helps....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2002
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*bump* (to the top of the list)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2002
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