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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2002
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Question Unregistered user? Why so...

How comes it that so many Unregistered user can use the forums? And why are they not registration for? Are they afraid that some one will answer them? Please, stop this foolish not to reg yourself before you posting or answer. I think that is normal curtisey to intruduce yourself, with a name.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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The only problem with being unregistered is that you don't receive e-mail notification. I don't understand why unregistered people don't just write a nickname in the box.

I like that these boards don't require registration -- I really don't like having to verify emails/change passwords if I have just one question about a service.

Also, what's the deal with all the demo software that requires registration or form-filling? Why does netscape or macromedia need to know my address for me to try their software? Not to mention the New York Times.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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Default Here's how I deal with it

My information
John Smith
555 Main Street
Cincinnati, OH 45221
513-347-1111 (La Rosa's Pizza) (real e-mail address used for e-mail address verification)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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I don't turn on cookies anyway.
I don't turn on Java or JavaScript (if you even know what that is or how you can turn it off thanks to Microcroft).
Logging in is a pain in the ****.
Even if I did register, how would you really know it's me?
Could I register twice and argue a point with myself?
Could I use a hotmail account or THREE?
Do you know who owns all those hotmail accounts that have registered here?
So called "registered" users are really more anonymous because you think they have been checked out so no one really bothers questioning who they are.
Does hotmail come to your house and check to make sure the name on your underwear matches the name you registered with?
When someone here stops posting for a while, did they get busy or are they just using their "other" account for a while?
Could I write a script that registers me with a new name every day?
Does it matter as long as you get something from the content of the post?
Did the government identify cars with little numbers to make you feel safe?
Do you now feel safe? Is there crime anymore?
Is the government now taxing you to hell via that little number/safety you thought you got?
Did you give up your freedom for a little so called safety?
Freedom. Waive those flags, but know why you are waiving them and don't waive your freedoms.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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from an unregistered user Originally posted by Unregistered
I don't turn on cookies anyway.
I don't turn on Java or JavaScript (if you even know what that is or how you can turn it off thanks to Microcroft).
and so on.....

The thing is, that if you have 20 Unregistered user in one tread. Who is who? I don't care if you have an e-mail account or not (if not, why not get one of all this free account) at least I know that I can give the right person my answer. If you are so paranoid, that you hiding, why are you at all on the internet? So. if you using a fake name, who's care. Not me. I think that people is so paranoid because they have somthing to hide.
No, HotMail dosen't come to your house to check out your underware..... I promest that. I have an account with them for years now and no one have come jet. LOL
Mr Benjamin Franklin said somthing that we should remember "People have the goverment they deserve". With other word imoral people imoral goverment or corupt people corupt geverment and so on.... To responce to you freedom quote. I think that says all. And remember that you have to know your history so you don't do the same misstake again.. Yes, freedom is important and goverment should stay out of peoples privet business. And with freedom comes responceblity is not a word that we should hide behind.
But I still say the registered user have the guts to stand for what he/she have said.

Peace and love to all.

Last edited by RealBigSwede; June 30th, 2002 at 08:00 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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Originally posted by RealBigSwede
The thing is, that if you have 20 Unregistered user in one tread. Who is who?
I find it entertaining to watch two unregistered users argue with each other. It's part of the fun here.
But I still say the registered user have the guts to stand for what he/she have said.
I stand for what I say, and I have come up with several new improvements to Gnutella, and even tried to keep corporate greed from taking over.
I don't understand why registering is such a big deal to some people, it really doesn't matter.
I remember when one free people were the only country where they had no king, and people would argue and argue until they finally got their king, just like all the other countries.
Thus a free people made themselves SUBJECTS (slaves) all because "everyone else does it".
In the good ol USA they don't have a land tax, they have a PROPERTY TAX, and when you go down and REGISTER your LAND as property, you are then taxed.
You have lost your privacy because you registered your land, all for what you thought was some kind of safety.
Everyone here has something to hide, if not then they would all post there life story and all their personal information. There's nothing wrong with a little privacy.

Good reason to "register" like everyone else. No thanks.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I find it entertaining to watch two unregistered users argue with each other. It's part of the fun here. I stand for what I say, and I have come up with several new improvements to Gnutella, and even tried to keep corporate greed from taking over.
Sure that'd funny. but if we now have 5-10 unreg and you like to respond to some of them!! it would be easy to respond to them if they hade a name. Than to respond to "mr/miss/mrs Unreg".

Originally posted by Unregistered
I remember when one free people were the only country where they had no king, and people would argue and argue until they finally got their king, just like all the other countries.
Thus a free people made themselves SUBJECTS (slaves) all because "everyone else does it".
Ok have old are you??? 150 - 200 year?? "You remember"!! LOL Yes I do not belive in kings and queens. In my view they are leaches of civilation. I don't think you should "be born" to be anything (goverment positions or company CEO you should earn it).

Originally posted by Unregistered
In the good ol USA they don't have a land tax, they have a PROPERTY TAX, and when you go down and REGISTER your LAND as property, you are then taxed. You have lost your privacy because you registered your land, all for what you thought was some kind of safety.
I agree that the goverment should not tax you land. It is yours not theirs and you should have the right to do with your land as you pleases.

Originally posted by Unregistered
Everyone here has something to hide, if not then they would all post there life story and all their personal information. There's nothing wrong with a little privacy.
Good reason to "register" like everyone else. No thanks.
I don't. I had my life storie posted on my website for years, (lost it because of money problems, will set the site up again after I have straited it out) I using the name "RealBigSwede" because I'm a Real Big Swede (6'4" and 300+) and anyone can send me an E-mail if they like. My name is Roland Hagge, but I like the nick name.
Yes, privace is importen, But not when it's starting to get fundamentalistic.

Peace and Love to all

Last edited by RealBigSwede; June 30th, 2002 at 10:37 AM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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"News Sites Getting to Know You"

" The Online Journalism Review has a story about more and more news sites requiring registration. Has assorted facts and figures, including how much sites' traffic dropped when registration was required.
Even though a fair percentage of people just make up the data they are asked to provide, I'd guess that as a statistical measure it's probably pretty accurate - many people would tell the truth without caring that they're being tracked."

Register away!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
"News Sites Getting to Know You"

" The Online Journalism Review has a story about more and more news sites requiring registration. Has assorted facts and figures, including how much sites' traffic dropped when registration was required.
Even though a fair percentage of people just make up the data they are asked to provide, I'd guess that as a statistical measure it's probably pretty accurate - many people would tell the truth without caring that they're being tracked."

Register away!
I am confident that once you actually do enter puberty, many of your current little problems will disappear, dear junior!
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