July 9th, 2002
I agree Yes...I agree.... I am now all for RealBig's and Morgwen's expanded ideas. Especially in light of the direction of Gnu's General and Site Feedback forums as of late. It would be a wonderful place where everybody can come together and dialogue. I managed to do so (quite easily) in a great way with Mr/Ms unregistered two nights ago.
I was a believer for a long time that all Gnu related forums and all other P2P related forums should be on a registration basis... but a couple of nights ago, I found a wonderful dialogue with a well known unregistered user... who reallly has a lot to offer to this forum, and this community.
I think the overall solution is that new 'general' and 'rant' forums should be opened... and that if administrators and/or mods see a particular topic in the current P2P forums unsuitable, they can easily move them to new "general' and 'rant' forums as they see fit. Morgwen originally suggested two separate forums early in this thread ...one for P2P, and one off topic. I , for one, am all for that idea. I think Mr/Ms unreistered would be good with this, too.
Certain unregs often feel insulted, hurt, or diminished very often by registered users ... as Mr/Ms Unregistered pointed out two nights ago in the "unregistered ...why so" thread. I took a different approach by posting as an unregistered user... and made great, positive communication with him/her. (He/she was intelligent enough to realize it was me... only by the words I said.) After the dialogue that he/she and I had, I realized that this particular unreg'd had probably helped out a lot of people in the past. Between San, Unreg, and myself... we proved the point that flames come from every direction. Reg and Unreg alike. That's why Mr/Ms unreg was so "p-i-s-s-e-d" to begin with. I was the only one to corner him/her on that issue... and once I did, he/she answered without hesitation... and complimented me.
In a perfect world, there would be no flames. But as we know very well... this is not a perfect world. Everyone here has good days and bad days. Hardly anybody here is innocent from 'igniting the torch', so to speak. I learned a lot this past Sun. nite from Mr/Ms unregistered... about his/her position.
I am now all for open forums... reg and unreg alike... in any of our arenas... where the admins and mods have (as they always have had) ultimate contol of where the posts should go (as long as they are not vulgar... in such a case they should edit or delete them in short order!). If they see any other post unfit for general Gnu, they can move them to a new 'general forum'... or a 'rant forum', as Morgwen suggested.
That way, every voice is heard..... Every praise is seen.... Every complaint can be considered. We are all on equal ground.
I, for one (although this may sound cliche) just want to see everyone get along! And I belive that code writers can allow that to be... an a heartbeat! |