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View Poll Results: Should user register?
Yes!! 10 62.50%
No!! 4 25.00%
Don\'t know. 2 12.50%
Voters: 16. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 9th, 2002
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errata: can't vote
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 9th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
so it's already prejudged.
That is why we never made a poll.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2002
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Cool Why???

Originally posted by Unregistered
You have read over and over my posts as to why I don't want to follow the cows just because "everyone else is doing this and that" so I won't repete it again.
Have you ever seen a cow?? To my knowledge a cow have never been on this board!! It would be funny... LOL
I know you don't understand this, and that is why the government is taking over everything. People are like cows and will all fall into place without question.
Ok What in the he** have the government to do with this board???? And I do not see myself as a cow, I'm a human and that have nothing to do with cows.
You can't understand why I don't turn cookies on, or why people use a firewall, why be so PARANOID?.
And no one forcing you to turn on your cookies, RIGHT?
You probably use Windows and still don't understand why you get viruses, but what the heck, everyone else uses OUTLOOK for mail, right?
Yes, I using win2000 pro, because in my opinion it is the best overall OS. And I haven’t jumped on the LUNIX bandwagon because everybody it tooting it horn... I personal think that it stinks. Yes, I looked into it. In my opinion it work good as a Internet server. Not for small business applications. And yes I’m using MS Outlook full version. And I using firewall and virus protection, so what? Maybe that is to be a "cow" but that is my progreative. Or maybe you are the cow!! Because after your argument most people haven't reg so that must be the cows, like you!!! LOL
It's a principal thing I am sure you don't understand.
yes I know, Cows do not reg... LOL
You will NOT get any contributions from me in any forum that is blocked.
And no one is forcing you, and I still don't understand why you don't reg, but that is you progreative. Not mine. I have no ill will to people that do not want to reg with they real name. Use a fake one. And you say that the government is checking you out if you reg. If I taking your argument that already know you and what you doing on the net. So, your argument falling flat on it's face, sorry. They already know who you are and if you are good and bad.... You know the Santa Clause song.... LOL... Don't be so hard on everybody that doesn’t have your view. Peace, Brother
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2002
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Originally posted by Morgwen
That is why we never made a poll.
But I did. hehe. And people should not jump down the board about that. Jump down my throught, instead. I can take it... LOL

Last edited by RealBigSwede; July 10th, 2002 at 06:16 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2002
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Originally posted by Peerless
Unfortunately, the users who post most of the simple "stupid" questions do so as unregistered, and really just want that simple answer and nothing else.
Most of this "stupid" question are anwsered several times, perhaps they will use the search option instead?

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 11th, 2002
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Originally posted by Peerless
It is a very easy thing to do, and then gives the administrators the ability deal with situations. I mean just what powers do they have right now if an unregistered started posting wrong answers to people's problems, just to be twisted?
Since registered users are so much smarter than unregistered, I would think they would know by now it's easy to set up some throw away accounts here and use them to flame or cause trouble.
So all you did was change the way people flame here, no real difference except you probably lost a whole bunch of nice people.
I have noticed the posts are way down since you did this, and the board is very slow now for content.
Oh well.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I have noticed the posts are way down since you did this, and the board is very slow now for content.
Oh well.
do you wonder? some would love to see only non-critic posts here.
no posts, no problems. *cough*
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2002
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I think you should be registered to post, but can read all the messages without registering, if you just want to browse. I think making people register enhances the sense of community, and then you know (to a certain extent) who you're talking to.

Maybe there should be an specific help forum where unregistered users can ask one-off questions.

I would like the see the forums as inclusive as possible, but I don't really see what's stopping people from registering? Giving an email address?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2002
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Originally posted by goweropolis
I think you should be registered to post, but can read all the messages without registering, if you just want to browse.

Giving an email address?
Thanks Goweropolis!! Great post!!
And Yes, some people are so paranoid. they think that Men In Black (read US government) will show up at their door step.....
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2002
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Originally posted by goweropolis
Maybe there should be an specific help forum where unregistered users can ask one-off questions.
That's almost impossible to do. How can you assure me there will be no more than a few posts per thread, or that there won't be off topic threads created?

IMO, only the General Gnutella Discussion and Development forums should be closed, and the rest should be left open, because as you very well said, there are some people that just want to ask one specific question and leave. However, some developers asked to close their client's forum, and that's OK because they are theirs. The thing is, as I see it, if we close one forum, we should close all of them.

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