June 7th, 2001
Good/Bad I have to agree that if Mp3's were used as every says they are "to preview music" they would be a good thing. But nobody really uses it that way, therefore I have to side with the RIAA on this one:
I know a few people in my HS who have made over 2,000 dollars this year selling MIX CD's made with MP3's. In NYC you can buy CD's made with Mp3's. This is why they want to stop it.
If I were one of the artists, here is what I would do:
I would hold concerts during a tour in big cities that you can only get into if you own a copy of the latest CD. You would need to present the CD on entry. That would make sure that the real fans could get in. (would also stop people who go just to say they were there, thus more seats for real fans)
Last point:
Because of Napster @Home put a cap on cable modems, which varies depending on Napster abuse in a perticular area. Where I live the cap was put a 49k for a few weeks, that's crazy. Now since Napster has been pronounced dead, the cap has been raised to 250k (though it used to go into 800k) so I am not happy at those people who shared mp3's and caused this. I am now paying more for no service. |