August 12th, 2001
 | Phlox Sniffer | | Join Date: June 23rd, 2001
Posts: 1,030
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Gnutella On The Bbc Gnutella made it on to BBC 2 TV here in England 6:35pm on a programme called THE FUTURE JUST HAPPENED.
One feature was about Metallica who were crowing about defeating Napster (don't know what they're crowing about I wouldn't download their music for free never mind pay for it).
The next feature was about Gnutella Network, more-or-less saying this is the future and on-one would be able to stop it like they did with Napster. It was on about 15 minutes so got a lot of air time.
So be ready for the influx of new downloaders after watching that programme.
__________________ ~Kath~
Always judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of no possible use to them |